[1.4.6] TMCraft PvE Community Server[WL][Mindcrack]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Minecraft Name:rynz96​
Age&Location:almost 17​
Have you ever been banned from a server: no​
Why would you like to play TMCraft: I love FTB and my old server went stupid, this one looks good​
Minecraft Name: Highlanderdk
Age&Location: 20 denmark
Have you ever been banned from a server: once for mining a place far away from everyone but someone somehow have claimed without ever using the plot and let other know to stay away
Why would you like to play TMCraft: to have fun with cool people and learn about the mods used in FTB
IGN: Thousand_Miles
AGE: 19
WHY YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH TMCraft: Playing with people is better than playing alone
Minecraft Name: kthxbi​
Age&Location: 21, United States​
Have you ever been banned from a server: Nope​
Why would you like to play TMCraft: As awesome as minecraft is, single-player gets rather lonely. I'm looking to join a community server and take advantage of the new multiplayer compatibility that this new generation of mods has implemented.​
Minecraft Name:sawjacgr
Age&Location:im 21 years old and im from greece
Have you ever been banned from a server: i have never been banned
Why would you like to play TMCraft:a peacfull and friendly server is all im looking for, to have fun and enjoy the game a lot.
AGE: 16
HAVE YOU EVER BEEN BANNED CROM A SERVER: No i havent, because im new.
WHY DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH TMCraft: Because i dont like playing alone, and i would love some help to fully understand what im doing.
IGN: Deidarac5
Age&Location: 20, United States
Have you ever been banned from a server: no this would be my first server :)
Why would you like to play TMCraft: because it sounds interesting and i would like to play with people who appreciate this game :)
Minecraft Name: comedymister15
Have you ever been banned from a server: no.
Why would you like to play TMCraft: I like feed the beast and ide love to have a good experience with nice players
Minecraft Name: SovereignSolder​
Age&Location:20 years young; West Virginia, US​
Have you ever been banned from a server: No bans to my knowledge.​
Why would you like to play TMCraft: I played Tekkit for awhile and after hearing about FTB me and my friend Knuckledip (should be applying after work) decided to look around for a server to play it on because, in our opinion at least, it is more fun to play with other people. I have used IC2 alot and want to also get into Thaumcraft.​
Minecraft Name: Knuckledip
Age: 19
Location: West Virginia, US
Have you ever been banned from a server?: Not once.
Why would you like to play TMCraft?: As, my friend has stated above. Along with, It's just been really hard finding a real run, lag-less server that has a good community of people and isn't crashing ever 5 minutes. Also your server seems to be really awesome and i hope to hear from you soon.
Server IP:
Hello and welcome to TMCraft, We are a FTB Mindcraft server with no other mods added, We aim to be a Peaceful Server on a normal difficulty, We are only looking for mature players The whole of the server will be legit and will need players to abide by the rules, So please Join our nation.​
Server Rules&Conditions :
1. No additional mods are allowed on the server that aren't part of the official Mindcrack Pack.​
2. No X-ray mods, X-ray texture packs, or flying mods are allowed.​
3. Any exploitation of Minecraft mechanics is not allowed, and if found, will be dealt with immediately by staff or admin.​
4. No caps only chatting, Keep swearing to a minimum​
5. Always respect ALL members, This is a helping server.​
6. No spamming in chat.​
7. Do Not Grief. If you are found to be griefing you will immediately be banned.​
Some Useful commands:
/Lock ( This will lock a block for you )​
/share ( This will allow you and your buddies to share chests)​
/Sethome (Easily get back home)​
Whitelist applications:
Minecraft Name: maddog2797​
Age&Location: 16 aiken south carolina​
Have you ever been banned from a server: (Honesty is key here) I have never been banned​
Why would you like to play TMCraft: (please be honest with us for the reason that you want to join our server) well ive not really experimented with servers but i fiqured i should try it cause itt looks fun. :)
I will aim to whitelist members as quickly as possible & Check if you have been banned before.​
Forgot to add:

Server is fully 24/7 and is on a powerful paid host.
Minecraft Name: maddog2797
Age&Location: 16 aiken south carolina
Have you ever been banned from a server: (Honesty is key here) I have never been banned
Why would you like to play TMCraft: (please be honest with us for the reason that you want to join our server) well ive not really experimented with servers but i fiqured i should try it cause itt looks fun. :)
Whitelist applications:
Minecraft Name: andrew_stultz​
Age&Location:Salem VA 15​
Have you ever been banned from a server: i have but the reson is i was harvesting wheat and you had to replant and i was but my internet went out and they band me because they thought i was not going to replant​
Why would you like to play TMCraft: i want to join a sever that i can enjoy with people who are not mean and destructive​
  • Like
Reactions: Deidarac5
Minecraft Name: nightmare080
Age&Location: 28
Have you ever been banned from a server: No I have not.
Why would you like to play TMCraft: Beause I cannot find another server that is actually good. o_O
White list Application!

1.Mine Craft IGN : Instigator890
2.Age and Location: 17 Canada
3.Have you ever been banned?: No, for some verification go to MCBans.com
4.Why do you want to play on TmCraft?: I have been searching for a server with an great community and where one cannot be afraid to ask questions FTB. I am only a novice of FTB so i think TMCraft could be a great learning experience whilst having fun with the community!
Minecraft Name: Justajoker
Age&Location: 16, Usa
Have you ever been banned from a server: (Honesty is key here) I haven't but it might say that I have been. I can get on that server though it's weird cause I never even played on that server so I'm not sure why I was "Banned".
Why would you like to play TMCraft: I'd like to join TMCraft because it seems like a server with a good community which is what I'm looking for. I want to make friends on the server and learn more about feed the beast and I think this server is great for that!
Whitelist applications:
Minecraft Name: Cynsye​
Age&Location: 24, UK​
Have you ever been banned from a server: No​
Why would you like to play TMCraft: Playing the Mindcrack pack solo, whilst fun, is very daunting as far as tech progression goes. I am looking for a good community that can work together well and learn these mods.​