[1.4.6]Mindcrack Server[Youtube, 12+]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
~*~*~*~*~*Mindcrack Server Applications~*~*~*~*~*​
Oath Not to Grief:​
Do you have a Mic:​
Why you want to be on the server:​
If you're accepted you'll get the TeamSpeak link there, Skype isn't going to be used, because what we need voice chatting for(Which is only voice chatting) Skype isn't necessary.​
By sending in an application, you agree to(If you are accepted) to not harm the map to extreme damage, or create any truly bad intentions on the server(This means no griefing) although this isn't to be taken to court if broken, this server is being paid for, therefore, griefing any landscape of the server could cause the owner to take action, and remedy the situation by how he see fit(This means, that if you grief possible compensation(money) could be owed)​
TL;DR: Don't grief or you may be in debt. ;)
IGN: sniart20
Oath Not to Grief: i will not grief your server i just want a nice server to play on
Age(12+): 13
Do you have a Mic: yes
Why you want to be on the server: i want to be on the server so i have a server to play on all the other ones iv tried so far have sucked i hope i get oni might all so do a YouTube series on it if its ok with the owner
IGN: sniart20
Oath Not to Grief: i will not grief your server i just want a nice server to play on
Age(12+): 13
Do you have a Mic: yes
Why you want to be on the server: i want to be on the server so i have a server to play on all the other ones iv tried so far have sucked i hope i get oni might all so do a YouTube series on it if its ok with the owner

Alright, you're in, I'll message you the teamspeak
Oath Not to Grief:I wont grief your server -__-
Do you have a Mic:nope
Why you want to be on the server:Im looking for a new server with a nice player base so i can build my castle/fort and rule the world have fun :)
Oath Not to Grief: I shalls not Grief
Do you have a Mic:Yes sir
Why you want to be on the server: To make friends and be included in a minecraft community.
IGN: Scythk​
Oath Not to Grief: I swear not to grief!​
Age(12+): 18​
Do you have a Mic: Yes​
Why you want to be on the server: I seek a good community of minecraftians and share wisdom of special builds with others and have input of making builds even better.​
IGN: Garthos_​
Oath Not to Grief: I will not grief your server. I am planning on starting youtube, and therefore need a server to play on for feed-the-beast. So no griefing would be good for a youtube video.​
Age(12+): 13, my friends.​
Do you have a Mic: I do have a mic.​
Why you want to be on the server: I want to be on the server because I want a secure place to do videos. I could do them in SSP, but that would be boring, as I would have none to chat with so on so forth. I also just want to play together with fellow minecraftians. I will also normaly play some regular FTB together with you guys on TS, so I don't just make videos there.​

Adminship: I can also help you with the server, so I don't just play there. I know alot about permissions, and being a admin. Even though I am 13, I do know alot about what a server owner has and does.
Videos: I am starting up a youtube channel at www.youtube.com/GarthosPlays. I will start it about a week after I've got my new Desktop Computer. On the channel, I will have minecraft gameplay videos and sometimes other games.
Payment/Donations: I can not pay to the server or donate to the server in any way. If I get the opurtunity, I probably will do it. I do also not require any ayment for anything about this.
FTB Knowlengde: I have played both tekkit and FTB for a long time, and know much about all the mods. Some mods I am good with, some am I not. I especially love BuildCraft, IndustrialCraft and RedPower.

Contact Information: If you want any way of contacting me, I will let you PM me here, and I will PM my skype, mail, or whatever you want to contact me with.
  • Like
Reactions: DrREDST0NE
GN: Stay_Strong108
Oath Not to Grief: Im not a greifer
Age(12+): Im 13
Do you have a Mic: Built In
Why you want to be on the server: Every server i have tried are horrible and im not good at minecraft so i need a community to learn from and socialize with
Oath Not to Grief:I will not grief
Age(12+):I'm 13
Do you have a Mic:I have a mic but I DON'T want to use it.
Why you want to be on the server:Too many servers are griefed and I want to be in a fast whitelisted server to play on.
~*~*~*~*~*Mindcrack Server Applications~*~*~*~*~*​
Oath Not to Grief:​
Do you have a Mic:​
Why you want to be on the server:​
If you're accepted you'll get the TeamSpeak link there, Skype isn't going to be used, because what we need voice chatting for(Which is only voice chatting) Skype isn't necessary.​
By sending in an application, you agree to(If you are accepted) to not harm the map to extreme damage, or create any truly bad intentions on the server(This means no griefing) although this isn't to be taken to court if broken, this server is being paid for, therefore, griefing any landscape of the server could cause the owner to take action, and remedy the situation by how he see fit(This means, that if you grief possible compensation(money) could be owed)​
TL;DR: Don't grief or you may be in debt. ;)
~*~*~*~*~*Mindcrack Server Applications~*~*~*~*~*


Oath Not to Grief: I agree not to grief others stuff

Age(12+): 16

Do you have a Mic: yes

Why you want to be on the server: I would like to be on the server because I'm looking for a chill server to have fun on
IGN: Gdteatime
Oath Not to Grief: I shall not grief, or have malicious intent upon other players.
Age(12+): 19
Do you have a Mic: Yes
Why you want to be on the server: Well I want a server that A.) Dont have to hide my base in fear of greifing B.) Can relax and actually have fun on.
IGN: Necro_Draghost​
Oath Not to Grief: i will not grief.​
Age(12+): i am 14 years old​
Do you have a Mic: yes i do​
Why you want to be on the server: I'm looking for a server that I can play with others and have fun.​
IGN: ring9089​
Oath Not to Grief:I do so solemnly swear no to grief or you can eat my cake and take my diamonds​
Age(12+): 16​
Do you have a Mic: yep :)
Why you want to be on the server: I enjoy being in a minecraft community that is connected to youtube because I myself make youtube videos and it would be fun to have a server to do that on.​
Oath Not to Grief:I will never grief, ever, as i have and know how frustrating it is.
Age(12+): 14
Do you have a Mic: not yet.
Why you want to be on the server:To join a small mature community of minecrafters that can and will be nice to me and others. I would also like to join because in the future me and my friends might be making a lets play.
Oath Not to Grief: I Swear Upon My Holy Redstone I Shall Not Grief!
Age(12+): 17
Do you have a Mic: yes as well as teamspeak3/skype/and ventrilo
Why you want to be on the server: Im making my 2nd lets-play series and redstone tutorials and i need a whitlisted RP2 server and i can link whatever videos you guys make (wheather im in them or not) from my youtube page. im not on the best of computers so recording takes alot of my power away, so if you guys plan on rec. on this server then, i know i can aswell (with your approval of course)
Oath Not to Grief: I will not grief because i believe it is stupid to ruin someones work that they have spent time working on and i hope the same respect is given to me
Do you have a Mic:yes
Why you want to be on the server: ive been looking for a server with a white list and a bigger community than the one i play on currently. I also would like to start a ftb lets play if its allowed
IGN: CraxyDude
Oath Not to Grief: In my mothers name i swear not to grief i just want to be in a good community and raise it.
Age(12+): 15
Do you have a Mic: Yes
Why you want to be on the server: I want to be in a good community and make friends and build some nice stuff
IGN: narplan63
Oath Not to Grief: I will not greif or damamage the server
age(12+): 14 almost 15
do you have a mic: no
why do you want to be on this server: I want to build comunity projects and have fun
IGN: G_Man474​
Oath Not to Grief: I will not grief the server, I hate griefers.​
Age(12+): I am 15.​
Do you have a Mic: Yes.​
Why you want to be on the server: I am hoping to start a YouTube series with some other people on a server like this, and I would also just like to have fun with others.​
IGN: Hymerid
Oath not to grief: Never griefed before, and not gonna start.
Age: 15
Mic: Yes, have mumble, teamspeak, and skype
Why you want to be on this server: Want a server where it is not too big yet not too small, to the point where we can have a community that can work together or various terms and generally have fun.