~*~*~*~*~*Mindcrack Server Applications~*~*~*~*~*
Oath Not to Grief:
Do you have a Mic:
Why you want to be on the server:
If you're accepted you'll get the TeamSpeak link there, Skype isn't going to be used, because what we need voice chatting for(Which is only voice chatting) Skype isn't necessary.
By sending in an application, you agree to(If you are accepted) to not harm the map to extreme damage, or create any truly bad intentions on the server(This means no griefing) although this isn't to be taken to court if broken, this server is being paid for, therefore, griefing any landscape of the server could cause the owner to take action, and remedy the situation by how he see fit(This means, that if you grief possible compensation(money) could be owed)
TL;DR: Don't grief or you may be in debt.