[1.4.6]Mindcrack Server[Youtube, 12+]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Oath Not to Grief: I will not grief the server
Do you have a Mic: yes
Why you want to be on the server: wana start playing on a server for a long time
IGN: braedenb12
Oath Not to Grief: I will not grief on the server, I want to make friends and have a good time.
Do you have a Mic: Built-in
Why do you want to be on the server: I want to make friends and get to know how to use FTB better.
Oath Not to Grief: I swear not to grief on the server and will treat it like my baby
Age(12+): 15
Do you have a Mic: Yes
Why you want to be on the server: I wish to be on the server to get to know people and the mods better. I also dream of being on a mindcrack like server and this could be a dream come true
IGN: Alexsolo
Oath Not to Grief: I shall not grief on the server and instead spend my time positively advencing myself on it and helping others while maintaining a parasocial relansionship with Chuck Norris.
Age(12+): 14 going on 15 in January
Do you have a Mic: Yep and skype : Alexsolo101
Why you want to be on the server: I wanted to play the mindcrack pack with my friends (Who will apply later) and play with others because in SSP it's kinda boring :P. Also I would like to record for my youtube account. (Alexsoloification) <- is my channel.
~*~*~*~*~*Mindcrack Server Applications~*~*~*~*~*
IGN: Frenchy123
Oath Not to Grief: I, Frenchy123, will not grief this server even under extreme peer pressure.
Age(12+): 13
Do you have a Mic: Yes, headset.
Why you want to be on the server: Want to play on a server with TS so I can socialize and not type everything in-game and have a small but organized community that is able to help others. (As in give items ) ;)
IGN: SilverSinX
Oath Not to Grief: I have yet to grief something xD
Age(12+): 16
Do you have a Mic: Yep
Why you want to be on the server: Looking for a nice FTB server to join. Haven't really played the pack yet, just an independent modpack.
Oath Not to Grief: I can't grief...
Age(12+): Yes
Do you have a Mic: yes, but i don't know why i need it...
Why you want to be on the server: I've learned most about the modpack in single player and most multiplayer servers i've been on i instantly got greifed. please respond as soon as possible
IGN: nevermind13jet
Oath Not to Grief: I, nevermind13jet, shall never grief this server in case I get accepted.
Age(12+): 12 and around 3 months
Do you have a Mic: Yep (A decent HeadSet)
Why you want to be on the server: Because I'm interested in a small to medium server with nice and mature people on it, and do LPs on it (Even tought I am more in Machinimas and Animation, LPs aren't my best)
Oath Not to Grief: I have never griefed only pranked and have helped in all the clean ups
Age(12+): 13
Do you have a Mic: Yes Little bit shy though
Why you want to be on the server: Im hoping to have a server to start a youtube channel on and a place to play FTB for fun
Oath Not to Grief: I will not grief the server and i will tell you immediately if anybody does.
Do you have a Mic:Yes
Why you want to be on the server: I want to be in a kinda small community with the mods of the Mindcrack Pack. I love community's and i want to be in one with nice people who don't grief.
IGN: polywild3.
Oath Not to Grief:I, polyild3, Swear upon the almighty gods of minecraftia that I shall not greif.
Do you have a Mic:Yes.
Why you want to be on the server: I've tried so many servers and they all sucked, I'm hoping for a good server with a good community that I can chill and play ftb on during my free time.
ign:looneyman123 oath not to grief:i will never grief i hate griefers when i get griefed it makes me mad so i dont grief because i know how it feels age(12+) my age is 13 do you have a mic:no srry why i want to be on the server:well every server ive been well have bad admin support i always get griefed and everybodys meen to me i just want to be in a good community can other people relate to this message
IGN: XainFaith​
Oath Not to Grief: I hear-by give my oath on my honor never to grief on my own or anyone else behalf so long as i still breath, because really how in there right mind wants to be greifed​
Age(12+): 26​
Do you have a Mic: Built-in​
Why you want to be on the server: Id like to be on a server that has a decent group of players also i enjoy building things who doesn't that plays mine craft.​
Some personal notes that may be of us during application:​
I hope that by playing on a decent server ill get that push i need to take some time off from os deving and bother to do up some of the ideas i have for my own mods, It has been some time since the major changes in mine craft have been taking place and i am waiting for it to stabilize a bit more. I also as a general rule like helping people out with there mine craft build and there related issues its nice to see people have there ideas and stuff working and in order.​
Beyond that id like to think i am just generally a well natured guy but ill let you all be the judge of that in due coarse.​
Oath Not to Grief:I will not grirf
Do you have a Mic:yes
Why you want to be on the server:I want a server that no one will be an asshole and that i wont be griefed/stolen from and that people will talk to each other.
IGN: Ikon106​
Oath Not to Grief: Sworn​
Age(12+): 15​
Do you have a Mic: I have a headset (With mic..)​
Why you want to be on the server: Because I like the rules, and also because I like Youtube. It seems like a relativaly small server because of "Youtube". I have considered making videos for Minecraft for a long time now, and I will start if needed :)
IGN: RobbieBobby
Oath Not to Grief: I, Robbie, swear to treat the server with the utmost respect and not grief.
Age(12+): 15.
Do you have a Mic: Yessir.
Why you want to be on the server: I really want to try out FTB. Regular Minecraft is becoming dull.
IGN: rocker0149
Oath Not to Grief: I will not destroy the server or ruin the experience for other players.
Age(12+): 17
Do you have a Mic: yes
Why you want to be on the server: I want to be on this server because I want a good fun server to play on where you can trust the other people on the server. You will not have to lock or hide your stuff if you can trust the other players. I can take a prank and jokes and will not get mad.
IGN: Bob18181818​
Oath Not to Grief: Never Griefed before​
Age(12+): 16​
Do you have a Mic: Yes​
Why you want to be on the server: I would like to play with mod and have a nice community​
Oath Not to Grief: I can't grief...
Age(12+): Yes
Do you have a Mic: yes, but i don't know why i need it...
Why you want to be on the server: I've learned most about the modpack in single player and most multiplayer servers i've been on i instantly got greifed. please respond as soon as possible
Age: 14
IGN: supremegamere76
Oath Not to Grief: I will not grief
Age(12+): 13
Do you have a Mic: no
Why you want to be on the server: i love multiplayer