[1.4.6 Direwolf20 Modpack] LogiCarft - 16+, Mature

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
1. Username: luca2849
2. Age: 18
3. Skype: Y/N No
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Redpower because of the capabilities of frames.
5. Why would you like to join our server? Because ive been looking around for a server with a good atmosphere and this looks like the place.
6. What could you bring to the server? I could help build a machine room and other public things.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: That i am very experienced with all of the mods in FTB Direwolf and hop i get in!
1. Username: l3radrocks
2. Age: 14
3. Skype: Yes, It's l3radrocks
4. Whats your favorite Mod? I would say that It would definitely have to be Redpower. It just adds so much to the game, that its just naturally one of the best mods out there. I simply adore the tubes, and how much better they are then BC pipes. I also love the way you can sort stuff with it, especially if you integrate it with factorization barrels.
5. Why would you like to join our server? Because I have been searching for a half decent server since FTB was released, but all the servers were full of, excuses my language, just simply douche bags. I have been jumping from server to server in hopes that I find one that I actually like so that I can actually play.
6. What could you bring to the server? I'm not really sure, since I have been jumping from server to server I haven't really decided on my play-style on FTB, but I would hope to be able to help people with less experience with mods, and hopefully make some amazing public builds.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: The only thing that I would really like to say is that I know that my age is a bit low compared to other applicants, but I can promise you that I am very mature, have never been banned, and am an easy going person.
1. Username: Talon685
2. Age: 16
3. Skype: yes, but i hardly use it; Talon685
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Thaumcraft 3. I've played plenty of techmods (eg RP2, IC2 BC3) but Thaumcraft is a nice break. It is the first magic mod that i played (I won't count EE 2 because it felt like a cheat more than a mod). The items in Thaumcraft are so cool; they carry more functionality than most tech mods (except endgame IC2).
5. Why would you like to join our server? I've been looking for a small-ish server to start building on. SSP is only fun for so long and since most mods 1.4 and on are multiplayer, why not?
6. What could you bring to the server? I like automate many processes (especially sorting) and begin preparing for endgame items ASAP because that's where the fun is, for me. I have yet to build a frame quarry in SMP so that will probably be among my first objectives. I am pretty experienced with the tech mods, except Railcraft, since I used to play Tekkit. When it comes to computercraft, I'm not afraid to code.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I live in EST and can usually be on for a few hours a day, but life comes first. To my knowledge, I have never been banned. Also, I used to be an admin for the Artisan Gaming tekkit server, doing most of the back-end stuff, and left when the owner could no longer support the server.
1. Username: Gurman8r
2. Age: 16
3. Skype: Y
4. Whats your favorite Mod? IC2, I love all the cool machines that are available.
5. Why would you like to join our server? I want to be able to play on a server with other people my age who just want to have a good time playing a great game.
6. What could you bring to the server? I'm pretty experienced with most of the mods in DW20 pack so I'd be able to offer help to those in need, also I'm a decent builder and I love having a good time with people.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I've been playing Minecraft since 1.0, I've been playing tekkit for about months now, and the only mod I'm not experienced with is Forestry. I'm on EST, weekdays I'm on from about 4 - 12, weekends 10 - 12.
1. Username: enake
2. Age:16
3. Skype: Y/N Y
4. Whats your favorite Mod? cant choose
5. Why would you like to join our server? im looking for a good community
6. What could you bring to the server? i have some experience in the mods and i am also firendly and willing to help people
7. Anything else you would like us to know: likes to build community building
1. Username: lupton4
2. Age:17
3. Skype: Hunter Lupton
4. Whats your favorite Mod: it was ic2 but ive been getting into steam production in railcraft and thermal expansion
5. Why would you like to join our server: I would like a good server with a good community
6. What could you bring to the server: Creativity and some community machines
7. Anything else you would like us to know: Ive had some moderating experience and I've never been banned before
1. Username: Xuhybrid
2. Age: 26
3. Skype: Y
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Redpower2
5. Why would you like to join our server? Im looking for a place to try the differences between Tekkit and FTB
6. What could you bring to the server? Logical structures, cool creations, complex machines, terraforming (lol)
7. Anything else you would like us to know:
Username: robertcarr22

Age: 16

Skype: Yes

Whats your favorite Mod?
Redpower and computercraft

Why would you like to join our server?
I would love to be on a small server where everyone works together to have fun and build advanced contraptions.

What could you bring to the server?
I hope to be a friendly and helpful addition to the server and would love to work with other people to make community buildings. I am knowledgable with all the mods with the exception of some machines in a couple mods.

Anything else you would like us to know:
I am from Scotland (I do not wear a kilt or play the bagpipes) and I like meeting and talking to people.
Ive played on vanilla servers a lot and only really played modded on SSP so I would really like to combine the two and be part of a modded server! :)
1. Username:Theulrich99
2. Age:14
3. Skype: Y/N Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod?Mustcraft
5. Why would you like to join our server? I wont to play with FTB
6. What could you bring to the server?I would build a wonderful castle-style house with a large courtyard, and much experience with most of the mods currently in the Direwolf20 Mod Pack.
7. Anything else you would like us to know:I'm italian
Username: flatbutter
Age: 17
Skype: Y/N : Y
Whats your favorite Mod? : Computercraft.
Why would you like to join our server? : I'm looking for a small, active server where i could share/build my redstone contraptions without being griefed.
What could you bring to the server? : I'm pretty good with LUA (that's because i have somewhat good C,C++ and Java knowledge), so ... i could teach someone Lua
Anything else you would like us to know: : I've played minecraft when there was no damage in multiplayer (also it's not minecraft classic)
1. Username: Blade4323
2. Age: 15 (soon to be 16 This coming April :D)
3. Skype: Y/N Yes blade4323
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Reis Minimap! Love that mod, especially whether underground or in the nether
5. Why would you like to join our server? Because I wanted to join a server with my buddy, who already applied. We are kind of sick of the MindCrack Server due to GregTech, so we would like to try out the Direwolf20 stuff. Not to mention, with all the apps here, I know there will be a good bit of people here.
6. What could you bring to the server? Im a nerd, so i can bring a lot of stuff. Help out those who need it, and learn from those who can teach.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: Im usually on a lot, and I tend to use teamspeak, but skype is fair enough for me. Also, my buddy is ROBOCHIPS, and we will be together. Been playin MC since early Alpha stages, and played tekkit plenty before. Moved onto FTB, best decision EVER! :D Thanks for reviewing this, and I hope you allow me and my friend to join!
1. Username: MustardFTW
2. Age: 17
3. Skype: Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod?: I would have to go with Computercraft. Thermal Expansion and Buildcraft follow very closely behind.
5. Why would you like to join our server?: I have gotten quite bored with SSP and I am looking for a small server with a mature community and this looks to be the one.
6. What could you bring to the server?: Hmm. Difficult question. I would have to say I'm a pretty quiet guy until I get to know everyone, and when I do I really open up and show my true personality. I become a pretty fun and happy character. I am quite knowledgeable of all the mods except a few that I'm trying to learn and hopefully you guys can help me with that.
7. Anything else you would like us to know:I have been playing Minecraft since Alpha 1.1.1. I currently live in eastern Australia (GTM +10) and will be quite active spending almost my entire day on the server. I am really into cubing and magic. Still not a speed cuber yet and still have a while to go. My personal best average of 5 is currently 52 seconds.
1. Username: TomTheTurtle22 and jcasl2
2. Age: 16+17
3. Skype: Yes and we are very active
4. Whats your favourite Mod? Our favourite mods are redpower, industrialcraft2 and forestry as they allow us to automate almost anything we can.
5. Why would you like to join our server? We would like to join your server because we have been hopping around on public servers since ftb came out and they were all full of immature 12 year olds posting bit.ly links to pictures of unpleasant things that i would rather not mention.
6. What could you bring to the server? we could bring many public machines to the server like a sheep farm with all different wool colours for making redpower wires and things like that to make peoples lives easier also we might do some recording for youtube.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: We work as a team to get things done and we will come on almost every day for about 8 hours.
1. Username: Follay
2. Age: 19
3. Skype: Yes, I have it opened in my background at all times for I am part of some Mount and Blade clans
4. Whats your favorite Mod? I really like IC2 but recently I have been getting into computercraft and thermal expansion. Buildcraft is another really good mod that i like aswell. So in a way I dont really have a favourite
5. Why would you like to join our server? I would like to join the server because it has alot of ram, and it is really hard to find good servers nowadays. I would also like to join because i would like to be part of a close-knit group of players instead of a bunch of screaming children on a nonwhitelisted server. I am also rather bored of ssp
6. What could you bring to the server? I could bring a cool looking house haha, Ive recently been brainstorming building ideas. Most likely I would do a dwarven build either dug in or above ground. The new movie hobbit has reinspired my love for these types of builds. I could also make some cool looking automatic machines if the server lasts long enough (Every server i have been on dies before i get to do anything =/ )
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I play minecraft quite often 5-9 hours a day on average when i have a server to actually play on and I live in Eastern Standard Time just in case that matters. You can add me on steam if you need to contact me in a different way at: {10thBI} Follay
1. Username: leeogets
2. Age:34
3. Skype: Y
4. What’s your favorite Mod: Rail craft
5. Why would you like to join our server: Looking for a place to build with like minded players
6. What could you bring to the server?: unsure on that I do like building for the servers use
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I have plans for building with steam power and rails
1. Username: daker41
2. Age:18
3. Skype: n
4. Whats your favorite Mod? the one with barrels (factorization)
5. Why would you like to join our server? i would like to join because my other sever has just shut down because of no one but me and 2 other logging on anyway and i would like a friendly community
6. What could you bring to the server? knowlege of most if not all the mods and i enjoy helping new players in the right direction
7. Anything else you would like us to know: not really only that im only on of a night time and only every first week(normally anyway)
1. Username: apleaple
2. Age: 35
3. Skype: No
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Redpower 2, IC2
5. Why would you like to join our server? Im hoping to find a active server with a mature playerbase
6. What could you bring to the server? I can help people with machine
7. Anything else you would like us to know: Never been banned
1. Username: martenvoorberg
2. Age: 12
3. Skype: Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Redpower 2, Therminal expension
5. Why would you like to join our server? Love to play with mods and I'm searching for a fun server to play on with a lot of great people!
6. What could you bring to the server? Help if anyone has a problem, and add a active player
7. Anything else you would like us to know: Lots of experience with mods, played with them for 1 and a half year by now.
1. Username:countryboy2327
2. Age:21
3. Skype: Y/N yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod?bc ic2 redpower2
5. Why would you like to join our server?very helpful good personality n love working with a small group of ppl
6. What could you bring to the server?helpful ideas
7. Anything else you would like us to know: