[1.4.6 Direwolf20 Modpack] LogiCarft - 16+, Mature

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
1. Username:Vash281
2. Age:22
3. Skype: Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod? IC2 and RP
5. Why would you like to join our server?Lokking for a friendly community to help me expand upon my ftb knowledge and do great builds with
6. What could you bring to the server? Hardwork, Mod knowledge, And ideas on how to procede with builds and tasks
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I'm photoshop certified for cs4 dont like to grief and am a team player
Username: zombieslayer121
age: 16
skype: yes i do have a skype... but i have a bad computer... so i try not to use the voice to often
favorite mod: my favorite mod is thaumcraft... i really enjoy researching and using my materials for finding out things that will help me more in the future
join our server?: the reason i would like to join the server is because its not really fun playing alone... I also enjoy helping others and building with others
bring to the server?: well im good at building and using redstone and redwire... although i may not know everything about every mod i like to think i do... and i also like to mine a lot... i noticed your not allowing quarys... i mine like a quary but i dont use quaries...
anything else you would like to know: well my computer isnt the best as well as my internet... ive been contemplating on getting a better one as well as trying to find a job... so if im not on... im probably going around town or something like that... I hope to get on the server and enjoy talking and helping everyone else =D
1. Username:Jycool
2. Age:16
3. Skype: Y I prefer not to say publicly.
4. Whats your favorite Mod? My favorite mod is Redpower because it adds a lot of unqie sorting abilitys and lots of logic.
5. Why would you like to join our server? I really want a small server that holds a community but have players be easyle separate from one another.
6. What could you bring to the server?I have spent days on other servers in the shared room always trying to make it look nicer, add more stuff to it, ect.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I can't do anything with computers. Also, I do have a lot of time to actually be on a server.
1. Username: TimeArchon
2. Age: 17
3. Skype: Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod? I kinda mess around with the whole pack so it is hard to choose a favorite. Redpower 2 or IndustrialCraft 2, but the other mods are right up there with them still.
5. Why would you like to join our server? Looking for a good server to join and play on.
6. What could you bring to the server? I am a rather good building and I played for several months on a civilization server. I know a lot about the mods and I could help people who are less familiar become more familiar. I am also interesting in starting a town of sorts where all are welcome :D
7. Anything else you would like us to know: Not really, but are we able to use quarries/turtles in the overworld if we use them to simply speed up our building? For example if I wanted to dig out an area to be flat for a home, could I have a turtle do that for me?
1. Username: MrWarlock
2. Age: 41
3. Skype: Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Hard to say redpower, IC or Railcraft I kind of use them all as a staple for almost everything.
5. Why would you like to join our server? I would like to be part of a small yet strong community were players help each other to make the playing experience more enjoyable.
6. What could you bring to the server? I wouldn't say my building skills are the greatest, I tend to make things that function well and make my projects around that fact. While building I normally go for things that will make my life and others around me a little more easy so as a group we can do the other enjoyable things like killing nasty's.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I've been playing modded minecraft for a fair time and Tekkit for a little over a year. I'm trying to keep up with all the new things FTB has too offer, I'm still in the early stages and much to learn but 2-3 months in I'm loving this mod-pack more and more.
Application for a Friend of mine:

1. Username: MostED13
2. Age: 16
3. Skype: Yea
4. Whats your favorite Mod? IC2
5. Why would you like to join our server?
To play minecraft with a bunch of good and nice guys
6. What could you bring to the server? Peace and mining
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I play guitar and speed solve rubiks cubes
1. Username: Stirke7
2. Age: 17
3. Skype: Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod? IndustrialCraft
5. Why would you like to join our server? Just got a new computer, looking to get back into minecraft and need a server that I feel I can play on for a long time
6. What could you bring to the server? A good attitude
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I have not played many of the new modpacks/I dont know all the mods 100% looking for a nice community who can help me and someday I can return the favor

1. Username: h3lladvocate
2. Age: 22
3. Skype: Yea, though I request you do not call me unless you ask, we use skype at work xD
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Hmm, tough call, probably Thaumcraft. The things he's created were simply amazing, and continue to be.
5. Why would you like to join our server? I've never done server play and am really interested in getting in a new community and doing some MC DW20 style.
6. What could you bring to the server? Good attitude, help the community. I like building communal things, so I'd help with that. I'm a CS major, so I can doing CCraft and Forth like a boss.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: Never been banned, since, well, never been big into server play til now. Play several other video games, LoL, WoW, Gw2, etc. Been playing Minecraft with mods since prob 1.3 (0.3? beta 1.3? the 1.3 before minecraft was released, w.e version that's called now). I play MC generally at night (work and stuff gets in the way), or on the weekends.

Accepted[DOUBLEPOST=1356974461][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry Guys, We will not be accepting anymore players at this time. Thanks for all who applied and we might open the applications up again soon we will see.
1. Username: Helfull
2. Age: 21
3. Skype: Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Almost all FTB mods but my best is RedPower and ComputerCraft
5. Why would you like to join our server? Iam looking for a server with a small amount of players who help each other out, because a big server has most times a broken land already
6. What could you bring to the server? I bring to you a nice freindly guy who like to build share bases, i even can help out with redpower computercraft or just with redstone wiring, iam even good at building big farming systems
7. Anything else you would like us to know: i am friendly and helpfull, need a plugin? need help on making a website? i can help you out :)
1. Username: baronlego
2. Age: 16
3. Skype: Yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod? Redpower (I like the tiny blocks, I've made many minature tardis's with them.)
5. Why would you like to join our server? I've been a long time fan of Minecraft 'hence Lego being in my name' (I had still been into them when I got Minecraft back in alpha). My good friend westonratcliffe, who may be applying to this server too loved tekkit and so did I, but we switched to FTB when tekkit became very outdated (still in 1.2.5) I set up a FTB server, but my router could not handle more than the two of us so we became bored quickly. On a public FTB server, it would be cool to assist people in building neat machines and to trade things like bees.
6. What could you bring to the server? I would bring good building skills. I mainly play minecraft for the building aspect, not the survival. Red power allows me to make the buildings that the young hipsters like. I'll also bring a friendly and good perspective of the server.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I like the honey sliced bread.
1. Username: VladHammer
2. Age:21
3. Skype: Y/N: Y
4. Whats your favorite Mod?: Don't have one
5. Why would you like to join our server?: Need a server that doesn't crash every 2 hours
6. What could you bring to the server?: building, redstone, and combat skills
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I work full time and overnight so the time I spend online will be overnight (UTC - 6:00 US & Canada)
1. Username:film4best13
2. Age:23
3. Skype: Yes (sicklymade12)
4. Whats your favorite Mod?NEI
5. Why would you like to join our server? Its the only one that seems to have good ratings lol.
6. What could you bring to the server? Knowledge of all mods and helping others make cool toys :)
7. Anything else you would like us to know: Older, and more mature when it comes to minecraft servers. Did some Mod work on several small servers, so I know whats considered griefing and being rude. Been on MC since alpha, and been playing with mods since BC1 lol.
1. Username: johnny_funtime
2. Age: 26
3. Skype: Y/N Yes I do have Skype
4. Whats your favorite Mod? As of right now my favorite mod has to be red power 2 just for the decoration aspect, but for actual technical side it's either thermal expansion or factorization
5. Why would you like to join our server? I'd like to just find a decent server with good and fun people to play with that I can relax, have fun and enjoy the modpack and everything we all could do together.
6. What could you bring to the server? i have a generally big knowledge of most of the mods in the modpacks ftb is currently using, the only one's I haven't messed with a whole lot yet is twilight forest and trains from mindcrack.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I hope each and everyone had a good new years eve and hope everyone enjoys FTB for the new year
1. Username: agamemnon94
2. Age: 18
3. Skype: yes
4. Whats your favorite Mod?: buildcraft, alway got to automate everything.
5. Why would you like to join our server? I would like to play on a small scale server and having friendly people around to play with.
6. What could you bring to the server? I am not to familier with al the mods but im a really friendly guy. I think i will build most my creation for the community because i like sharing stuff.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I don't have a lot of server experience but i think it is going to be great fun playing with you guys.
1. Username: manofthestars
2. Age: 27
3. Skype: YES but hardly ever speek on it if on
4. Whats your favorite Mod? factorization
5. Why would you like to join our server? looking for a server that is safe from griefers/stealers. because all others have lost there protections or don't have and things go missing :(
6. What could you bring to the server? i love to help out others when i can. and i cant ill learn for the future so i can
7. Anything else you would like us to know: i am a dedicated player who loves to learn about the different mods even if my computer does not like them sometimes lol
1. Username: eapo108
2. Age: 16
3. Skype: yes but mic probs
4. Whats your favorite Mod: ic2
5. Why would you like to join our server: sounds like good server
6. What could you bring to the server: shhared machine room and a few other things
7. Anything else you would like us to know: that my friend goree2010 would like to join
1. Username: goree2010
2. Age:21
3. Skype: Y/N Of course
4. Whats your favorite Mod? IC
5. Why would you like to join our server? Because 99% of public servers are garbage. I want to join a private server where my brother-in-law and I can enjoy ourselves with other PROFESSIONAL players.
6. What could you bring to the server? Good humor, conversation, and probably some questions lol
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I am enlisted into the US Army. I am currently a specialist (E-4) and have completed a tour in Afghanistan. I am airborne, I jump out of high performance airplanes, like the C-130 Hercules and C-17 Globemaster! I give respect where it's due and really hope that I can be accepted, along with eapo108. I vouch for him. He's smart and knows more about MC than me.
We are only going to choose the best applicants so put what you feel necessary and it will be better to write more than not enough.
1. Username: Demon12349
2. Age: 17
3. Skype: Y/N yes I have a headset to speak to people but have mic muted since family is around and loud
4. Whats your favorite Mod? My favorite would have to be Industrial Craft 2. The machines in the mod I like to mess and make cool stuff sometimes
5. Why would you like to join our server? I would like to know more about the other mods if people would like to show me. Get back into minecraft I haven't played for a good month or so and I would like to get back into it.
6. What could you bring to the server? We could build public machines at spawn for people who don't have machines yet but only build 3 or 4 so a lot of people don't use them.
7. Anything else you would like us to know: I've been playing minecraft since 1.2.3 and that is when I got into modding about 1.2.5. I don't grief and I wouldn't mind making some awesome builds with other people.