What is the bug:
Attempting to use an awakened ichorium tool while having protoclay in inventory swaps the current tool to the awakened ichorium pickaxe.
Confirmed to happen in survival and adventure on dirt, wood, sand, gravel, planks, and grass.
If no awakened pickaxe is present then the protoclay will not switch tools.
Mod & Version:
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5-1.7.10-491 log:
Can it be repeated:
Known Fix:
What is the bug:
Attempting to use an awakened ichorium tool while having protoclay in inventory swaps the current tool to the awakened ichorium pickaxe.
Confirmed to happen in survival and adventure on dirt, wood, sand, gravel, planks, and grass.
If no awakened pickaxe is present then the protoclay will not switch tools.
Mod & Version:
Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5-1.7.10-491 log:
Can it be repeated:
Known Fix: