1.14 update in progress

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2016
Oh JOY!! New Version, New Features, More bugs, sounds just like Microsoft substandard software practices. Try decades of Windows NEVER working right, Never Secure.
Plus your old mods will not work on it.
This is supposed to be a good thing?
I am staying with MC 1.7.10.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've played quite a lot of vanilla 1.13 and I have to say I haven't actually seen any new bugs, a few of the old ones have completely gone and the new ocean aspects add a lot more colour and gameplay to the game.

I'd call that a good thing, especially as I haven't had to pay for any of the umpteen updates since I first bought the game.

Oh and plenty of mods have made it to 1.12 and I'm sure we'll start seeing ones coming for 1.13+. On top of that I've read that the data pack functionality means it's possible to do a make a lot of changes to vanilla quite easily (although I have no experience myself).
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Jul 31, 2013
On top of that I've read that the data pack functionality means it's possible to do a make a lot of changes to vanilla quite easily (although I have no experience myself).
Yep, a quick rundown for those that missed it (as I feel its relevant again)
Meanwhile, Mojang is instead focusing on another way to edit their game. Mainly resource packs and datapacks (also, command blocks).
With resource packs you can edit
block models
colormaps (which is used to set the colors used in each biome)
You can also add textures and sounds that are normally not used. Extra sounds can be played using commands and extra textures can be loaded using meta data (I believe) and in 1.14 you can use NBT as well to load them

Datapacks however is where the real fun starts. With these you can edit:
loot tables
tags (which is a way to group stuff together)

And in 1.14 loot tables can look at the NBT data of the used tool to mine a block. Allowing you to (for example) make a stone pickaxe that has a different texture + name and drops diamonds whenever its used to mine a stone block.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Oh JOY!! New Version, New Features, More bugs, sounds just like Microsoft substandard software practices. Try decades of Windows NEVER working right, Never Secure.
Plus your old mods will not work on it.
This is supposed to be a good thing?
I am staying with MC 1.7.10.

Joy! New Version, New Features. I think it's great! I like that Minecraft continues to move forward and works to improve and expand it's content. I also think modded Minecraft is as strong as it ever was. The modders continue to upgrade, port, and make better the mod availability for us Minecrafters. There are very few mods that have not made it to the latest version and there are new mods coming out that keep minecraft fun.
I think it's a great thing! I love 1.12.2 and will be looking forward to the next big modded update when that happens.


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
Okay, I'll chime in here...

I guess I'm a bit jaded. Every time I see Minecraft touting the "newest and greatest update" I sigh a little and think, I've had that functionality and better since 1.6.4 modded.

A furnace that smelts things faster? Yawn. Give me a Blast Furnace any day.
New water mechanics that make sorting systems easier? Cough*pipes*cough.
Special Biome specific villages? Been there, been done better (I'm looking at you Witchery for 1.7.4!)
New mobs like the Illager and the like? Sigh, let me know when you put a new boss in like the Gia Guardian fight, or the Chaos Dragon, or update the mob AI to something smarter than that slow moving stepchild that no one talks about at family reunions.....

Look, I'm happy for people who don't play modded. Hell, I run two servers, one DW20 1.12 and one Vanilla 1.13.1. I just have a hard time getting excited for Vanilla updates because I've been so spoiled by modded.
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Jul 31, 2013
New water mechanics that make sorting systems easier? Cough*pipes*cough.
Have you seen the waterlogged feature? Because I can't think of a mod that does the same thing. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a mod that only does it visually but that isn't the same at all. If you like the idea of building underwater bases that one should make you exited.

Same thing goes for treasure maps and I also have a hard time coming up with a weapon that is as versatile as the trident in modded minecraft.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
While it's great that MC continues to develop, I think what honestly rankles me is that the progress is so god damn slow. You've got a team of profesionally paid developers making small changes which is then declared as the "latest and greatest", while modders in their spare time have made amazing new content in a fraction of the time and of a much better quality, and many have even learnt java to go and make these mods, which I think is an amazing achievement.
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Jan 29, 2015
I honestly don't think there's any need for conflict here. People are still developing packs for 1.7 - its certainly not "dead". Others are sticking with their mods and packs at 1.12, which seems a good plateau. Others are already looking towards 1.14. We can enjoy any and all of these that we wish, that's what's so good about the community :)