1.0.3: Staff of Travel allows blink through Thaumcraft Warded blocks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
EnderIO travelling staff allows travel through TC warded stuff.
1) only bedrock is listed in the server blink blacklist
2) no matter server settings, client seems to use it's local settings, allowing a player to blink into someone else's warded area

Mod & Version:
EnderIO, Thaumcraft 4

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:
yes, with warded glass, warded door (also Witchery Rowan door), and any block warded with the TC wand focus

Known Fix:
both server and client need thaumcraft warded blocks blacklisted from blink, and travel through unbreakable blocks disabled (seems to appear twice in EnderIO cfg file...).

this isn't full fix as client shouldn't be able to override this