1.0.3: 1.0.3 Levitational Locomotive Client and Server Crash


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
When a player attempts to stand on top of a Levitational Locomotive while it is moving between 2 relays, the client and server will both crash.
EDIT: Placing an Arcane Levitator on top will also cause this error.
EDIT: Furnaces also cause this crash, possibly anything that has complex NBT data does this.
EDIT: Mobs don't seem to cause this crash however a Dynamisim Tablet does.

My theory as to why it happens (skim over if uninterested); the levitational locomotive moves entities by altering the entity data, since the player's entity data is coded to not be changed in the same way as other entities (as seen from how the /entitydata command does not work on players) this causes the error that crashes the client and server.

Mod & Version:
EDIT: Thaumatic Tinkerer 2.5 1.7.10 161

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:
Yes, a player must simply stand on top of a moving levitational locomotive.

Known Fix:
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