1.0.1: Nuclear Control creates massive traffic with wrong HTTP POST(maybe for modstats)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

What is the bug:
When having Nuclear control on a server it starts to flood the network with http-post requests.
Something like 30-50 requests a second!!! (sometimes more)

the traffic is sent to an adress which doesnt exist. that means in some configurations when wrong urls are redirekted to a 404-page the traffic can jam the whole server.

Fragment of an url appeared in my firewall logs: "/api/v1/report"
I found Modstats which uses that kind of urls to gather information...

the Problem disapears as soon as i remove Nuclear Control from the server.

btw... it took like 5hours to test all the mods and to find the troublemaker :/

Mod & Version:

Paste.feed-the-beast.com log:

Can it be repeated:
Its hard to track the traffik... but when using a linux machine and blocking+logging firewall and dns helps to see the generated traffic.

Known Fix:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
btw... it took like 5hours to test all the mods and to find the troublemaker :/
Yeap, time the FTB didn't made (as for a whole lot of other things).
I spent some hours myself testing and found much more bugs. I started to report some, but as they don't even recognize nor awnsered and some other users just don't use the board-search to see I already reported them, and this overall "we just don't care"-mind of FTB-team I stopped and will wait if anyone will ever manage to read log-messages and have the willpower to try to fix them.