What is the bug:
While checking out the Direwolf20 1.7.10 pack in creative mode, when I select Thaumcrarft Exploration the game crashes. If I look at the mod through NEI when in Normal Game mode, It displays a couple items, cases visual bugs in the background and with NEI (which goes away when you mouse off it). You can click on it and have it display all the items on the right.
Mod & Version:
ThaumicExploration-1.7.10-1.1-19 log:
Can it be repeated:
Yes. I was able to replicate it after relaunching the game. Just go into creative mode, look for Thaumic Exploration, click on the tab and it will crash. The visual bugs with NEI can be done when looking at the mod in normal mode. Just mousing over it will cause the visual bugs, but it does not crash the game.
Known Fix:
What is the bug:
While checking out the Direwolf20 1.7.10 pack in creative mode, when I select Thaumcrarft Exploration the game crashes. If I look at the mod through NEI when in Normal Game mode, It displays a couple items, cases visual bugs in the background and with NEI (which goes away when you mouse off it). You can click on it and have it display all the items on the right.
Mod & Version:
ThaumicExploration-1.7.10-1.1-19 log:
Can it be repeated:
Yes. I was able to replicate it after relaunching the game. Just go into creative mode, look for Thaumic Exploration, click on the tab and it will crash. The visual bugs with NEI can be done when looking at the mod in normal mode. Just mousing over it will cause the visual bugs, but it does not crash the game.
Known Fix: