[0.5.1] Technomancy Discussion-Ore processing like a boss

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
here's a bit of my 2 cents aswell...
how about a machine that allows you to create mana beans? you input cocoa beans and some one of the essentia's, and for a bit of power it'll infuse the cocoa bean with essentia and create a mana bean.
perhaps it would also be nice if there'd be some sort of machine to allow you to automatically farm the mana beans, since the golems can be a bit derpy from time to time...

it'd also be nice if there was a way to move nodes without damaging their stats... perhaps a special kind of wand focus that allows you to pick up and place down nodes for 100 essentia of each type?
with perhaps a special kind of jar that you need to have in your inventory where the node will get put into, and you'll get the special jar back whenever you place the node down again.
with that perhaps have these special jarred nodes be a requirement for your Eldritch Contaminator/Purifier?

and it'd really, REALLY be nice if there was a way to do altar crafting without getting the instabillity effects... perhaps make a machine that'll require large amounts of energy to make sure your altar crafting does not get any instabillity problems...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
here's a bit of my 2 cents aswell...
how about a machine that allows you to create mana beans? you input cocoa beans and some one of the essentia's, and for a bit of power it'll infuse the cocoa bean with essentia and create a mana bean.
perhaps it would also be nice if there'd be some sort of machine to allow you to automatically farm the mana beans, since the golems can be a bit derpy from time to time...

it'd also be nice if there was a way to move nodes without damaging their stats... perhaps a special kind of wand focus that allows you to pick up and place down nodes for 100 essentia of each type?
with perhaps a special kind of jar that you need to have in your inventory where the node will get put into, and you'll get the special jar back whenever you place the node down again.
with that perhaps have these special jarred nodes be a requirement for your Eldritch Contaminator/Purifier?

and it'd really, REALLY be nice if there was a way to do altar crafting without getting the instabillity effects... perhaps make a machine that'll require large amounts of energy to make sure your altar crafting does not get any instabillity problems...
I've thought about ways to make altar crafting a whole lot easier. It might be a new block that does infusion crafting, it may be some bit of paraphenalia that greatly reduces instability depending on the power input, or I might make an attempt at creating a new type of infusion altar that draws immense power in order to reduce instability. It depends on what's easiest, and what people would really like to see.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've thought about ways to make altar crafting a whole lot easier. It might be a new block that does infusion crafting, it may be some bit of paraphenalia that greatly reduces instability depending on the power input, or I might make an attempt at creating a new type of infusion altar that draws immense power in order to reduce instability. It depends on what's easiest, and what people would really like to see.

making a whole new crafting system might be a bit too much... you could perhaps add a new kind of pedestal that'll absorb any taint that's produced, and will lock the item in it's place so it can't drop anymore. you could also add a new type of lamp, when fueled with energy/essentia, the area it shines in will get a high boost in stability. I've mentioned a few times before that a mod could also add some sort of block that absorbs liquid taint, and can produce taint essentia which can be used for crafting, so perhaps if you do add new pedestals, you could have it so you can place a jar inside the pedestal where the liquid taint gets transferred into

back on the suggestion of jarring nodes without them losing their purity and such, I was thinking of instead of adding a new wand focus, how about doing the same steps as you'd do when jarring the normal way, but instead of normal wooden slabs, you need to use silverwood slabs... this makes silverwoods a bit more useful, but the jarring process would still cost all 100 aspects in the wand.

and lastly, for the people who don't feel like doing the research everytime, but are not playing on a server or a server with Thaumic Tinkerer, how about a machine that'll complete research for you? it won't do everything by itself. you still need to get new research yourself and put it in the machine. and to solve a research it'll need the required essentia for that research

and about the thaumic computer, how about having it complete the research paper for you, but you still need to start the research paper, and it'll require the required essentia to finish the paper. you'd be able to enter multiple research papers at once, and you could have it so it'll try to complete several papers at the same time, but the amount of time required depends on how difficult the research is and how many researches there's currently in the machine being solved. perhaps a fun way is to also add some sort of magical press to copy a finished researched paper. I know thaumic tinkerer adds an item, when used you can obtain the research of another player, but that's ALL the research... what if you just want to share 1 research paper? and also, how about having a side product getting produced by the thaumic computer aswell? as I hate having to gather knowledge fragments :p
would be cool if the thaumic computer (or how about thaumic intelligence processor... thaumic computer just sounds a bit... weird lol) would use the brain in a jar :p


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
How about something like an "Order Lamp" (corny, can't think of anything better), bit like the other lamps.

It runs off Order, and reduces the chance of things dropping/destroyed by 50% per lamp (so 2 lamps is 75%, 3 is 87.5%, etc). While still not a foolproof system, it makes the crafting a lot easier to deal with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How about something like an "Order Lamp" (corny, can't think of anything better), bit like the other lamps.

It runs off Order, and reduces the chance of things dropping/destroyed by 50% per lamp (so 2 lamps is 75%, 3 is 87.5%, etc). While still not a foolproof system, it makes the crafting a lot easier to deal with.

Stability Lamp? Yes please!

Zein Eizoku

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now I do like this mod and what it wants to do. My question is this, what is Azanor's stance on the add-ons? I have read missed things through puerile talking on Twitter and the Minecraft forums.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now I do like this mod and what it wants to do. My question is this, what is Azanor's stance on the add-ons? I have read missed things through puerile talking on Twitter and the Minecraft forums.
Azanor said:
These are mods that use the API or other means to intergrate with or add content to Thaumcraft. More importantly they do so without breaking the balance of my mod (such as it is).
Most other Thaumcraft addon devs have no contact with Azanor. His api is sufficient enough to get the job done.
I really like the idea of a research printing press. Seems like a very useful thing especially for servers.
As far as an auto-researcher, I haven't quite decided yet. It will probably be similar to the way it worked in TC2 where you input power instead of items. Perhaps adding a item in a slot will get research notes of the aspect that the block has.

Perhaps a type of glass that requires aurum to make in a crucible. It'd be a bit more expensive and painful to make, while giving a significant bonus, the aspect cost will still be the same.

How about something like an "Order Lamp" (corny, can't think of anything better), bit like the other lamps.
It runs off Order, and reduces the chance of things dropping/destroyed by 50% per lamp (so 2 lamps is 75%, 3 is 87.5%, etc). While still not a foolproof system, it makes the crafting a lot easier to deal with.
I do like the idea of a lamp that reduces instability. It may be power based, or it may be Order essentia based, or both. They way instability is stored, it will probably make turn the instability level down a notch such as "Dangerous" to "Very High". It will probably take a dedicated engine and an amount of essentia based on from which instability it decreased from. Going down from "Dangerous" may require 25 essentia or so.

A general question for everyone though. Would you like to see everything be researched or would you rather be able to get the items without research? I'm currently leaning on the latter as it would be 1.) easier and 2.) accomplish the basic goal of making Thaumcraft tech-friendly. I'd really like some input on the thought though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most other Thaumcraft addon devs have no contact with Azanor. His api is sufficient enough to get the job done.

I really like the idea of a research printing press. Seems like a very useful thing especially for servers.
As far as an auto-researcher, I haven't quite decided yet. It will probably be similar to the way it worked in TC2 where you input power instead of items. Perhaps adding a item in a slot will get research notes of the aspect that the block has.

Perhaps a type of glass that requires aurum to make in a crucible. It'd be a bit more expensive and painful to make, while giving a significant bonus, the aspect cost will still be the same.

I do like the idea of a lamp that reduces instability. It may be power based, or it may be Order essentia based, or both. They way instability is stored, it will probably make turn the instability level down a notch such as "Dangerous" to "Very High". It will probably take a dedicated engine and an amount of essentia based on from which instability it decreased from. Going down from "Dangerous" may require 25 essentia or so.

A general question for everyone though. Would you like to see everything be researched or would you rather be able to get the items without research? I'm currently leaning on the latter as it would be 1.) easier and 2.) accomplish the basic goal of making Thaumcraft tech-friendly. I'd really like some input on the thought though.
Hm...What if you had to research it, but without the minigame involved? :D The minigame is fun and all, but sometimes it can be just darned frustrating. If we research, we would still have to progress throughout the Thaumcraft tree, but we wouldn't need to go through the hassle of ink, finding a viable research, and wasting aspects.

Zein Eizoku

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
[USER]Democretes[/USER] I am sorry I was not trying to be ignorant or cause problems. I was only curious, that is all :) I do love the ideas for the mod. Thaumcraft is the reason why I want to mod honestly haha. Set your goals high right?

As for all the things, I like the Order/Ordo/Stability Lamp that is probably the most brilliant thing I have ever heard of haha. So much pain it is , infusion crafting. I love it... but I hate it haha.

Another idea, would be like a filter or a scrubber for the Cauldron something early game to try and decrease the amount of "Taint" from doing alchemy when you do not have the Arcane Furnace or Alembic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Rather than having a block that flat out reduces instability during infusion crafting, how about one that diverts it elsewhere? A Flux Pump, say. Putting one underneath an arcane pedestal protects that pedestal from flux effects, but generates a bucket of liquid or gaseous flux that you need to pipe elsewhere to clear the buffer and allow it to prevent an instability event again. That seems more technomagey than just throwing essentia at a block that miraculously allows for perfect crafting, and it forces you to figure out what to do with all the flux you generate.


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
Rather than having a block that flat out reduces instability during infusion crafting, how about one that diverts it elsewhere? A Flux Pump, say. Putting one underneath an arcane pedestal protects that pedestal from flux effects, but generates a bucket of liquid or gaseous flux that you need to pipe elsewhere to clear the buffer and allow it to prevent an instability event again. That seems more technomagey than just throwing essentia at a block that miraculously allows for perfect crafting, and it forces you to figure out what to do with all the flux you generate.

I like this quite a bit. It would allow for some interesting pipe setups to get the flux and taint vented to the outside from underground bases. Or even storage for dumping in someone's base. ;)

Zein Eizoku

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The storage system kind of reminds me of Thaumcraft 2/3 which I think he wanted to get away from... HOWEVER!!! something like Ducts, similar to ones in your house, to make something like a cool chimney. (something like a steam punk look) coming out the side of a base... now that... that is cool. It just would feel right haha :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am sorry I was not trying to be ignorant or cause problems. I was only curious, that is all :) I do love the ideas for the mod. Thaumcraft is the reason why I want to mod honestly haha. Set your goals high right?
Sorry if I came off cross, I figured you were just asking in the name of science!
Rather than having a block that flat out reduces instability during infusion crafting, how about one that diverts it elsewhere? A Flux Pump, say. Putting one underneath an arcane pedestal protects that pedestal from flux effects, but generates a bucket of liquid or gaseous flux that you need to pipe elsewhere to clear the buffer and allow it to prevent an instability event again. That seems more technomagey than just throwing essentia at a block that miraculously allows for perfect crafting, and it forces you to figure out what to do with all the flux you generate.
I really, really like this. Removes the pain in the ass, while still adding some ass painery. Removes instability while producing large amounts of gaseous flux, or if there is too much instability, it will switch to flux goo. I'll put some thought into this.


Oct 11, 2013
to get the items without research? I'm currently leaning on the latter as it would be 1.) easier and 2.) accomplish the basic goal of making Thaumcraft tech-friendly. I'd really like some input on the thought though.
Maybe have just one research for the techno mancy tree and that unlocks ask the secrets


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry if I came off cross, I figured you were just asking in the name of science!

I really, really like this. Removes the pain in the ass, while still adding some ass painery. Removes instability while producing large amounts of gaseous flux, or if there is too much instability, it will switch to flux goo. I'll put some thought into this.
In that same vein, add something that uses the flux taint? Maybe something that breaks it down into more essentia. Or (and I may be jumping out a humongous limb) allows you to process it into an aura node. That's another thing that's a pain in the ass with Thaumcraft, having to search for nodes. By using flux taint, you could make your own nodes. Of course, then there's the whole balance issue where people might make 250,000,000 Osmotic Enchanters for the flux, although I'm pretty confident that there's a way to balance it out. And it makes for a nice closed system, and gives you more incentive to soak up the flux besides the less instability. (which is still pretty helpful)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In that same vein, add something that uses the flux taint? Maybe something that breaks it down into more essentia. Or (and I may be jumping out a humongous limb) allows you to process it into an aura node. That's another thing that's a pain in the ass with Thaumcraft, having to search for nodes. By using flux taint, you could make your own nodes. Of course, then there's the whole balance issue where people might make 250,000,000 Osmotic Enchanters for the flux, although I'm pretty confident that there's a way to balance it out. And it makes for a nice closed system, and gives you more incentive to soak up the flux besides the less instability. (which is still pretty helpful)

or perhaps use it for a new type of tools/armor that uses the flux taint for stronger/better tools/armor
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In that same vein, add something that uses the flux taint? Maybe something that breaks it down into more essentia. Or (and I may be jumping out a humongous limb) allows you to process it into an aura node.
That's kinda funny, I was thinking about making an aura-node generator ;) I was going to make it require massive amount of aura essentia (which is already ridiculously hard to get) but I think I'll include some taint with that. Wouldn't want it to be too OP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also update OP a bit. Just a few things here and there. I've decided to make the Order lamp/flux chutes a thing. Have fun figuring out what to do with all that marvelous flux.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also update OP a bit. Just a few things here and there. I've decided to make the Order lamp/flux chutes a thing. Have fun figuring out what to do with all that marvelous flux.
I'm sure we will...flux slime farm here we come...