We have started a new world! A great chance for new people to join

MindCeption is a new FTB Direwolf20 server, We used to be a vanilla server but recently changed to a FTB server, We are looking for more members to join our great community.

- Fun plugins
- Anti-Grief protection
- Great community
- 24/7 Server with dedicated host
- No Lagg
- And much more stuff!!!

No grief, pranks are aloud, but dont do them often.
No hacks or Cheatmods
Dont be abusive towards other members.
Dont steal from other members, unless you do fair trades which both of you know about.
Have fun and respect eachother.

For a faster reply apply @ http://mindception.enjin.com/recruitment
What is your Minecraft username?
How old are you?
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before?
Where are you from?
Why do you want to join?
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast?
What is your favorite mod?
Check out one of our youtubers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo4R09E9xUyWm2hwhMWPRTw

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