What is your Minecraft username? conoreva
How old are you? 19
Skype? I dont use skype
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? No.
Where are you from? London, England
Why do you want to join? Because im trying to find a good looking server with a low enough ping as my internet is pretty bad currently, This is one of those servers
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? I have used around 70% of the mods in FTB and have a good knowledge of mods.
What is your favorite mod? Industrial Craft only because it was one of the first mods I have ever used.
How old are you? 19
Skype? I dont use skype
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? No.
Where are you from? London, England
Why do you want to join? Because im trying to find a good looking server with a low enough ping as my internet is pretty bad currently, This is one of those servers

What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? I have used around 70% of the mods in FTB and have a good knowledge of mods.
What is your favorite mod? Industrial Craft only because it was one of the first mods I have ever used.