Whitelist Server ♛MindCeption♛|FTB Direwolf20 1.0.23|Whitelisted|NEW WORLD|Grief protection|Biomes O Plenty

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What is your Minecraft username? fishcake321
How old are you? 18
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? Yes but it was a misunderstanding
Where are you from? USA
Why do you want to join? Trying to find a good server to join
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? Played mods since 1.7.3
What is your favorite mod? Redpower
What is your Minecraft username? INTENSS
How old are you? 34 (older guys like gaming too)
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? nope
Where are you from? USA
Why do you want to join? just looking for a good server
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? I know and use every mod in the pack. Currently playing the BETA in SP mode.
What is your favorite mod? Tinkers Construct
(really cool mod)
What is your Minecraft username? SmirkNMerc
How old are you? 41
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? No
Where are you from? Chicago, IL
Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a good, stable, server to play on.
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? I've been playing FTB for over 18 mo.
What is your favorite mod? Toss up between Thaumcraft and TE.
What is your Minecraft username? zmerlin2
How old are you? 13
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? no
Where are you from? USA
Why do you want to join? I want a small white listed server with no greif
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? yes I have a lot of it.
What is your favorite mod? Open blocks
What is your Minecraft username? Bematrix
How old are you? 21
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? Nope, never
Where are you from? Portugal
Why do you want to join? It has been a while since I played in a server, I'm just looking for a place where I can have some fun and have a nice community to talk to ahah :)
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? Been playing for some years now, took a break, now I only need to catch up with some of the newer mods introduced to the Direwolf pack
What is your favorite mod? For nostalgia reasons, Buildcraft. Right now, maybe AE
What is your Minecraft username? Germanko
How old are you? 21
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? Nope, never
Where are you from? Czech rep.
Why do you want to join? Looking for server with great, active community
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? I've been playing FTB for over 1,5 year now.
What is your favorite mod? I think thaumcraft :)
What is your Minecraft username? silverman24300
How old are you? 15 but very mature
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before?
Where are you from? England
Why do you want to join? want to join a community of other modded minecrafters
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast?
I've been playing with mods for 3 years and FTB for 1.5 years.
What is your favorite mod? I don't really have a favourite but i try to use all of them