Whitelist Server ♛MindCeption♛|FTB Direwolf20 1.0.23|Whitelisted|NEW WORLD|Grief protection|Biomes O Plenty

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What is your Minecraft username? KingCharizar
How old are you? 14; 15 in two days
Where are you from? Canada
Why do you want to join? I love playing minecraft with new people, I've been looking for a kind and private server/community to play on for so long. Also, this server always online which is something many FTB servers lack, but this one is always online, meets my standards!
What experience do you have with Feed the Beast? I have been playing since the 1.2.5 FTB pack was released and am very experienced with quite a bit of mods.
What is your favourite mod? Witchery and Thaumcraft.[DOUBLEPOST=1405028237][/DOUBLEPOST]Forgot the banned/kicked before part:
Have you ever been kicked or banned from a server before: Yes,(not banned) but it was by my friends and we were just messing around. Nothing serious though.
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What is your minecraft username? BSRSS
How old am I? 14-16 can't be specific.
Where am I from? Ireland.
Why do I want to join? I'm new to FTB and I would like to learn.
Do I have experience of FTB? No not really.
Favourite mod? Galacticraft.
Kicked? Yes but it was an idle kick. NEVER been banned.
What is your Minecraft username?camden167
How old are you?31
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before?no
Where are you from?Texas
Why do you want to join?Im new to this modpack and i was learning alot from a stream on this server and i thought i would have fun
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast?i've played it for about 2 months
What is your favorite mod?
morph mod
What is your Minecraft username? dylanpiera
How old are you? 16 and a half
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? Not that i know of
Where are you from? Holland (or The Netherlands)
Why do you want to join? Im playing a lot of sp dirwolf20 the last few weeks and i really want to join a server cause SP can get lonely time to time
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? Alot, I played tekkit when it first came out, and play FTB for like 2 years now
What is your favorite mod? Thaumcract/ThaumicTinker, I also love applied energistics cause the posibilities of automation of both these 2
What is your Minecraft username? RoyalDarkness
How old are you? 19 in 14 days :P
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? never did, never will!
Where are you from? israel
Why do you want to join? to have fun...
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? i know quiet a bit on the majority of the mods in this modpack...
What is your favorite mod? Ars magica 2
What is your Minecraft username? maguirekrist
How old are you? 15
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? Yes, when i was 12 when i first got the game, i'm old school. but sense then no.
Where are you from? Florida, USA
Why do you want to join? Livestreamer with 1500 followers, community where i can stream and have fun. But the main reason is a cool place to play minecraft modded.
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? Yes, played ftb when it was a small mod pack all you did was play on the ftb map during 1.2.5 so for about 2 years.
What is your favorite mod? Forestry by far!
dylanpiera RoyalDarknes

all whitelisted, welcome[DOUBLEPOST=1405121128][/DOUBLEPOST]We have started a new world! A great chance for new people to join :)
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What is your Minecraft username? Razorfin8
How old are you? 18
Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? Kicks: flying, idle. Bans: Once cause I was arguing about a rule on the server. I was correct on the rule but the mod banned me. He was later banned i was allowed back on
Where are you from?
Why do you want to join? I am sick of open servers and single player. I want to find a friendly community that I can help out with my experiance and learn from as well.
What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? I have played most FTB Packs and am very familiar with most mods.
What is your favorite mod? Magic based: Ars Magica/Bloodmagic | Tech based: Thermal expansion | Misc: Endernet cause its op as hell.
What is your Minecraft username? jeremy58589721

How old are you? 31

Have you been banned or kicked from a server before? no

What is your location or time zone? central

Why do you want to join? heard this server is awesome

What experience do you have with in Feed The Beast? i dabble with it here and there

What is your favorite mod? i would have to say AE just for the storage
4.I'm from Russia
5.I want to know those modes which I have not yet learned, and not averse to practice.
6.1 year.
7.A lot of them, mostly Thaumcraft.
Server up and running no more downtime join the fun new server ip

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