Whitelist Server ▌GrassCraft ▌ Infinity 1.3.1 ▌ Whitelist ▌ Great Community ▌ [24/7] ▌Mature admins ▌ [SERVER CLOSED]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019


Server IP:
Server location: Europe [Lithuania, Baltic States] (Germany will have awesome connection)
Gameplay: Survival (hard)
Modpack: FTB Infinity 1.3.1

Information: This server is only for little friendly community, there will be around 5-15 players maximum! For questions write in the comment section and good luck playing !

keepInventory: off
mobGriefing: on

Banned Items
The server does not have any banned items except mystcraft and BC quarries (there's still redpower quarries and ender quarries) for better performance (Linking books are working as well the same as there are mining and lava world.)


INFORMATION ABOUT THE MODPACK: https://feedthebeast.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PML/Infinity+1.7

Server Specs:
6 GB of RAM
5 GHz Processor
100 MB Internet connection

- Respect everybody.
- No hacks.
- No stealing/griefing/raiding/sexism/ect.
- No killing without the permission of other player.
- Remember that a moderator/admin's word is final.
- Don't build too laggy bases.
- If you want to build near a player, ask his permission.
- Don't make any mystcraft worlds without admin permission.
-If you want to build quarry in the nether, you can only build 16x16 ender quarry that leaves everything dirt.
- Only one chunk loader per player and with maximum of 25 chunks.
- MAX Ender Quarry size in the "digger world" : 128x128
- Mob spawners in void age are not allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS.
TIP: Don't build houses near spawn, at least 500 blocks.

See you guys next time ;)

Application Form:
(Show that you put effort into your application)

1. What is your minecraft IGN? :
2. Where are you from? :
3. What timezone are you in? :
4. How old are you? :
5. How much time do you intent to play per day (Approx.)? :
6. Have you played modded minecraft before? :
7. If yes, for how long and what mods / mod packs? :
8. What kind of gameplay do you prefer? :
9. Describe yourself. :
10. Why do you want to join the server? :
11. Why should we elect you? :
12. What can you contribute to the server with? :
13. What is your skype? (REQUIRED) :

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IGN: mattloveOHIOST5
Age: 13, but mature
Do you accept the rules? Yes
How much experience do you have in (modded) MC? Year and half, but know a lot.
Preferred Play-style? I usually like to go solo, but also help the community and build community builds. Mod wise, I like tech mods the best.
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? This modpack seems great, with all the mods I want, and I also want to experience it with others. Meet some new people, learn new things, and have a good time! You should pick me because I work hard and contribute a lot to the server.

Thx :D
What is your IGN (Case sensitive):


Do you accept the rules :
Of course!

How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC:
I've been playing Minecraft mods for as long as mods have existed, but took a break from them recently, so I will need to re-learn most of the technology/machine mods.

Preferred Play-style :
I like to build cool stuff with other people! I tried playing Infinity solo and it just felt lonely. Group projects/villages are definitely the best.

Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? :
I'd like to join to be able to build with other people and make some cool stuff! It might take me a while to get up to speed on the technology mods, but that just means I can help out everyone else more as I learn how everything works. My buildings also never look like boring cubes, if that helps! I'd sooner be homeless than have an ugly house.
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IGN: Ducati432

Age: 14

Do you accept the rules?: I do accept the rules.

How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC?: I've been playing modded minecraft for about 2 years now. I know stuff like: Tinkers contruct, Advance genetics, Some Project red.

Preferred play style: I don't really like going solo. I like learning stuff from new people when playing.

Why do you want to join & why should we pick you?: I wan't to join because I would like to hang out with a friendly mature community and learn new mods from the community. I think you should pick me because I a friendly type of person and I feel like that I will get along with the people on the server and maybe create something pretty cool :).
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): NightHawk_bf

Age: 14

Do you accept the rules : Yes, If there was not rules. I would not join.

How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I am really good with some mods and bad with others. But I love to learn new mods.

Preferred Play-style : Survival/Hard Mode

Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I think you should pick me because. 1. I really want to join. 2. I have been looking for a good
server with nice people. 3. I completely agree with your rules. 4. I love to help people and share the knowledge that I have. 5. I'm lonely playing single player. 6. If you ask me for something and I have extra I will most likely give it to you.

Skype: benjamin_finlay
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Maxiride

Age: 23

Do you accept the rules :
yep of course

How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: Been playing since the old first releases of Ultimate, so I know pretty well the mods except the new ones in Infinity

Preferred Play-style :
Survival\Hard Mode and I prefer having my own "base" to avoid logging in the day after and find tons of stuff already done. It ruins the game experience, however I appreciate helping each other about issue with the mods or need of resources-

Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? :
I'd like to join because it's the server with the best ping I ever found! 80ms :D I'm GMT+1 time zone if this matters, furthermore I prefer a small whitelist server due to the heavy load of the modpack which makes it unplayable on other server because of 9999 items banned or huge lag.
Indeed because of the whitelist I hope everyone will attemp to reduce laggy setup and abuse of chunkloaders.
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Smass

Age: 15

Do you accept the rules : Absolutely.

How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: 4-5years too many

Preferred Play-style : Always Multiplayer survival and hard mode.

Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Becose i played FTB, ATLauncher all mods and finish all it but now i want finish infinity modpack and play with friends.

Skype: nenugalimasis123

Thankee! :D
Uhmm we got a problem here... The server infinity modpack was not stable at all for us so we started Bevo Techpack on the AT launcher. If you guys want to join connect with me on skype: viliux522
It wasn't stable? You mean a huge modpack couldn't run on a server with only 3 gigs of ram? It takes more than that much for me to launch the game.
Game is different thing, bevo's techpack has a lot more cool mods and runs smooth as hell both on client and server. Also the AT launcher helps a lot for it's settings, you can google it.
Updated the Whitelist application, we recommend you guys to put in skype too so you can have latest news about the server and server's groupchat.
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What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Aobozu
Age: 19
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: a ton
Preferred Play-style : Dont have
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Just wanna play, because im a player... lol.
Skype (optional, I will contact and add to group chat): gabriel.munaro2
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What is your IGN (Case sensitive):
Age: 19
Do you accept the rules : yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: a ton
Preferred Play-style : Dont have
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : Just wanna play, because im a player... lol.
Skype (optional, I will contact and add to group chat): gabriel.munaro2
You haven't put any effort in the application, you would be accepted if you would have typed in your name.
Hey trone, just curious, since coming back to Infinity, how has performance been? You mentioned having issues before you tried Bevo's pack.
Yeah I had few crashes even now, but I think it was the crappy host provider. Tommorow we are going to new host with 6 GHz and 8GB of ram, it will much better I think.
Yeah I had few crashes even now, but I think it was the crappy host provider. Tommorow we are going to new host with 6 GHz and 8GB of ram, it will much better I think.

Yeah I would definitely recommend 8gb for modern FTB packs. And that 6ghz will come in handy with how dodgily 1.7 runs sometimes. I'd guess that once you're on that you'll see a good improvement :)
Hi :)

What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Helvarg
Age: 23
Where do you live? (Country): Germany
Do you accept the rules : Uhm, no? Just kidding, of course I do!
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I play modded Minecraft since Mindcrack.
Preferred Play-style : Tech, but i want to try the magic stuff (outside of Thaumcraft).
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I want to join, because i want to play the Infinity-Pack (obviously), but its rather boring to play SSP. I am a nice and helpful guy, but i like to build on my own! :)
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Nope, sorry :(


Edit: Spelling :(
What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Wekmor
Age: 20
Where do you live? (Country): Germany
Do you accept the rules : Yes
How much experience do you have in (Modded) MC: I'm pretty familiar with most of the mods that were in the 1.2 - 1.6 packs, got to check out / learn all the new updates though
Preferred Play-style : Building my base I'm mostly like a lone wolf, but I'm all for community events!
Why do you want to join & why should we pick you? : I'd like to join because I want to get back into the minecraft mods, since I've been out for a good few months. Why you should pick me? I honestly don't know, but I guess because I get along well with most other players and I'm always open to help other players.
Skype (optional but prefered, I will contact and add to group chat): Haven't used Skype for years, so I don't even know my name there anymore...