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ign (in game name): HappyGamerMike
age(16+): 24
banned before? Nope
if so why? Never Banned
why you'd like to join? I'd like to join a Good Friendly communities. As servers I've tried in the past I've ended up just in a corner wondering if i may as well be playing on single player. Love playing the game with people and hope to join your server.
Is It possible to fill in more than one name?
cause my friend has some problems with the regristration. (vertifying e-mail is not reaching is e-mail)
ign (in game name): robrico
age(16+): 17
banned before? No
If so why? having bad comments about an server
why you'd like to join? We want to join an good server that can be trusted whit an good community
(started whit minecraft in version 1.8.1 BETA)
works most with IC2 and loves exploring
ign (in game name): Minorowns
age(16+): 17
banned before? No
if so why? having bad comments about an bad server (like robrico)
why you'd like to join? We want to join an good server that can be trusted whit an good community
(started whit minecraft in version 1.2.5 )
works most with magic
ign (in game name): _d2tm
age(16+): 26
banned before? I don't think so? If so, let me know.
if so why? If there is a ban it was from an immature admin a very long time ago
why you'd like to join? I used to play on a tekkit server a ton back in the day and I would love to get a handle on all the new things FTB has added since those days in a small friendly server setting, thanks!
ign (in game name): kappa_wolf
age(16+): 25
banned before? No
if so why? n/a
why you'd like to join? I've been playing ssp for a while, but there's only so much fun you can have with zombies as your sole neighbours
ign (in game name): GreatWilson
age(16+): 22
banned before? No
if so why? -
why you'd like to join? Tried to play with friends but they are not really into minecraft, i'd like to play on server cause i like interaction with people, also i'd like to play with the newest versions of mods and i can see you do as well
ign (in game name): Doomadness
age(16+): 23
banned before? Nope. I were owner of a Minecraft-Server i banned other ppl.
if so why? ///
why you'd like to join? I search for a Server to call home.
(i will check your name on mc ban)
ign (in game name): littlemaple
age(16+): 16
banned before?no
if so why?
why you'd like to join? I have been looking for a server i can trust for a while, i get bored very easily playing single player then resort to cheating i would really like to be on a server with people i see most nights with no fear of the server going down (i have been on a couple of servers that went down). i really want somewhere to call home.
ign (in game name): Celioz
age(16+): 19
banned before? no
if so why?
why you'd like to join? I want a fun FTB experience with cool players I know the modpack pretty well I used to be an admin on another server until it was shut down for financial reasons.
gn (in game name): Germanko
age(16+): 22
banned before? no
if so why?
why you'd like to join? I'm looking for WL FTB server with great community, without lags and griefers