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  1. J

    Transfering Modpacks from one Pc to another

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone could help me with a little issue I have... I live in the middle of nowhere, and have the slowest "broadband" (if you can even call it that) internet connection possible. With an average speed of 80kb/s, downloading a modpack takes more time than I actually...
  2. J

    [SOLVED] FTBInfinity (with added mods) crashes upon world load.

    Thanks! The pack and added mods are working great now! Thank you for the help! Adding solved to the title.
  3. J

    [SOLVED] FTBInfinity (with added mods) crashes upon world load.

    Thanks for the help, that's that issue solved! But another has arisen, I tried updating my launcher from 1.4.7 to 1.4.8, it didn't update. So I searched for what was apparently a fix, that broke my ftb launcher (i used this fix:
  4. J

    [SOLVED] FTBInfinity (with added mods) crashes upon world load.

    Title: FTBInfinity (with added mods) crashes upon world load. Launcher Version: 1.4.7 Modpack: FTBInfinity Modpack Version: v1.8.2 Log Link: Details of the issue: Hello! I'm trying to play the FTBInfinity pack with a couple of added mods (list of...
  5. J

    [1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

    Just my 2 pence, but if, for argument's sake, a random world gives you everything instantly, it might just stop replayability there. But yeah, random is still a nice aspect to have. Also glad to know you're changing that recipe!
  6. J

    [1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

    But the whole going to your created dimension thing doesn't feel like I need to go there. When i first launched this modapck, I thought, "Heh, nearly got this fist quest line do-- oh, gotta make my self a teleporter outta iro--- nope, just wood... well, off home I go..." And then realised after...
  7. J

    [1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

    Hey, Could I just ask why i even have to go onto the word i created with RFTools? Coz I don't even need to get many resources to just jump back onto my pathfinder... shouldn't the teleporter things be made outta different materials? Or are the quests not done yet, coz only the fist 2 quest lines...