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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    [1.7.10]GT-New-Horizons[Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker][2,5K+ Quests]

    Exactly the same issues with D6 and 1.2.3 - that is why i updated in the first place. Here my Optifine Options: (Multicore Rendering enabled) and using D6, 1.2.3 ofRenderDistanceChunks:24 ofFogType:2 ofFogStart:0.8 ofMipmapType:0 ofLoadFar:true ofPreloadedChunks:4 ofOcclusionFancy:true...
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    [1.7.10]GT-New-Horizons[Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker][2,5K+ Quests]

    Is someone using OptiFine 1.7.10 HD U E7 and Fastcraft 1.2.5? I literally can't play without OptiFine anymore and NEED to get Multi-Core Rendering to work, but it makes various Chisel Blocks disappear / be invisible randomly. I disabled Threaded Optimization in my Nvidia Control Panel and...
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    Gregtech ID Problems

    Well, I've done it manually. It wasn't much work actually. Thanks for the part with the Debug-Mode in the console. I could find some more ID's, which were just easily overwritten. Now It all works just fine. Seemingly Omnitools doesn't get it's ID dumped in NEI, neither in the minimal console-mode.
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    Gregtech ID Problems

    It is an own one I made, which basis is the "New World modpack" 1.5.2.
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    Gregtech ID Problems

    What should be ment with "new mod". I've put all mods in at once, I haven't got a world yet. Then I've fixed all ID Conflicts one after another and now I'm stuck at Gregtech.
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    Gregtech ID Problems

    Hello. I am having a problem with Gregtech, I can't solve by my own. I've tried out many different things, with which I could solve ALL my other ID conflicts. At first, I got this message: Time: 08.06.13 17:16 Description: Failed to start game The GregTech-Addon has a Problem. IT'S NOT MY...
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    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    Please include MiscPeripherals and LogisticPipes to the 1.4.6 ModPack, which is going to be released soon: (Seemingly not the Original Version from Krapht)
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    Interrest in a german community FTB Server?

    Heya, (weiß nicht obs eher angebracht wäre, Deutsch zu reden) Me and my friend would also totaly like to join your server, we both are experienced Minecraft players since the beta and we also played with all the Tech-Mods for a long time now. We both also can speak german, so no problem at this...
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    we need a minecraft zeppelin mod for ftb

    Well, actually the main idea of this is very interesting. You should just think about the whole functionality... Frames from RP2 are quite nice, thought they are a bit slow and not moving very smooth. Just imagine modern battleships, tanks, vehicles and much more.. Of course this shouldn't be...