Interrest in a german community FTB Server?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm a owner or a server which currently doesn't get much use.
I'm thinking about opening up our internal or starting a new FTB server for a mostly german community if the interrest would be there at all.

I would need some people as moderators/admins to help out staff the server.
There would be no donations or anything. Server will be paid by me like in the last 3 years.
The server is a dedicated root server with 8Gb memory in a large datacenter in germany.
The server will run completly in memory and is automatically synchronized to disk every 30 minutes.
Server has a automatic backup system.
If the community is increasing I may setup an automatic monitoring and administration system for the server itself.

I would start out with 20 slots. As long as there will be no lag I may choose to enlarge it up to a maximum of 35 slots.

If you have interrest in a german server and you are willing to help out staffing the server and preparing the world for opening please answer to this post or send me a private message.

If we have enough interrest for this I will start a regular server thread in the server promotion forum as soon as the server is prepared and started.

bad wolf

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

i would be interested in playing/ helping out on a german server (I dont mind playing in foreign, for me having most of the time pretty good connections. But a server in the same country would deffinetly be nice!)
At the current time I´m not playing that much, since university started for me and I kinda dont want to spent so much time on a server, that is propably being reseted 'relatively' soon (full release of ftb in the future)
But, when the modpack is finally out of 'beta' I will be playing more ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Heya, (weiß nicht obs eher angebracht wäre, Deutsch zu reden)
Me and my friend would also totaly like to join your server, we both are experienced Minecraft players since the beta and we also played with all the Tech-Mods for a long time now.
We both also can speak german, so no problem at this. I'd be available the whole week, he rather more at the weekend. He is really experienced in redstone-engineering and I'm a fanatic if it comes to energy generation and mechanisms.

I would really love to play when RedPower2 has been released, due to it's general functions, which are really helpful at a lot of situations.
Also 20 slots seems a bit much for me at the beginning, but I think it can turn out very well :)

So I'd love to get a reply via pm :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am very interested too. I know almost everything about the FTB mods and would love to play/manage a German community server. Also i got alot of free time due to school so no worries there. I would love a reply too :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am setting up the server currently and preparing to write the Thread for the server proposal forum.
Head over there and look up the Nessaja FTB thread if you which to take part.

Thread can be closed.