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  1. D

    Brainstorm about teleporting to MFFS Platform

    Ok. soo.. the Portal Gun Pedistal does not work. the block can not be moved by mffs. about the dynamism.. can it be controlled remotely so it doenst use a ton of linking books?
  2. D

    Brainstorm about teleporting to MFFS Platform

    Hmm sounds interesting. I did'nt know you can link them automaticly. I'll try the portal thingy first. if that does'nt work out ill go with you Dynamism idea. because it will be less difficult with the portals. Thanks! if there are more ideas post them please. I will share the outcome when...
  3. D

    Brainstorm about teleporting to MFFS Platform

    That is actually a good one. i'm going to try that this evening! I already use a computer to time the redstone signal for the manipulators, not that hard to intergrate the gun (i hope). and cutting the power is not an option because: Ult. Hybrid ->mfsu ->Coercion Deriver -> Capacitors ->...
  4. D

    Brainstorm about teleporting to MFFS Platform

    Hi guys, With the Unleashed modpack i've made an MFFS mining platform wich works perfectly. But ofcourse i have ran in to a problem: After so many blocks i dont want to travel the whole way to switch the thing on/of. so i have tried several things: Portal gun <- despawns after platform...