Brainstorm about teleporting to MFFS Platform

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys,

With the Unleashed modpack i've made an MFFS mining platform wich works perfectly.
But ofcourse i have ran in to a problem:

After so many blocks i dont want to travel the whole way to switch the thing on/of.
so i have tried several things:

Portal gun <- despawns after platform moves.
Portal spawner with wireless recievers <- this is bugged and caused the server to crash.
Teleporter <- best solution until now. BUT... the teleporter on the platform side changes orientation.
This makes teleporting back to base/linking book hub possible, but back to the platform impossible.

I like to hear if you guys managed to make this possible, or if it is possible to keep the orientation of the teleporter upright.

thanks in advice.
ps. not sure if i posted under the correct thread.

Edit: Typo's


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

If you're supplying it with external power, could you cut the power to it? Like if it is powered by an enderchest filled with coal, suck all the coal out and starve the power to the platform?
If it's fed by steam or a liquid, do the same, starve it.
If it can check to see if the collection chest is filled and stop when the chest can't take more stuff, that would work.
You could have a computer scan a separate enderchest that's normally empty, but if you put item X in it - that means stop! If you put item Y in it, that means GO!

Also ... can a turtle be told to stop the platform (by the item in a chest method), then have the turtle fire a portal gun at the wall letting you go to the platform? I don't know if turtles can fire portal guns though.

There are possibly other methods, but those come to mind first.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Portal Gun Pedistal, fires gun when receives redstone signal ... that might be the ticket right there. Could have it receive a signal from the turtle or fire it everytime after a move at a wall or some surface for the portal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is actually a good one. i'm going to try that this evening!
I already use a computer to time the redstone signal for the manipulators, not that hard to intergrate the gun (i hope).
and cutting the power is not an option because:

Ult. Hybrid ->mfsu ->Coercion Deriver -> Capacitors -> manipulator's / Forcefield gen.
Even if i cut the power, there still will be power in the capacitors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use a tool dynamism on the bore to create a new linking book and stick it an ender chest whenever you want to go out to the bore. Leave a book in a stand on the bore that goes back to your base. Very easy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm sounds interesting. I did'nt know you can link them automaticly.
I'll try the portal thingy first. if that does'nt work out ill go with you Dynamism idea. because it will be less difficult with the portals.

if there are more ideas post them please.
I will share the outcome when i'm done testing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok. soo.. the Portal Gun Pedistal does not work. the block can not be moved by mffs.

about the dynamism.. can it be controlled remotely so it doenst use a ton of linking books?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok. soo.. the Portal Gun Pedistal does not work. the block can not be moved by mffs.

about the dynamism.. can it be controlled remotely so it doenst use a ton of linking books?

Yes. You stick a linking book in an enderchst at your base. That chest is matched with a chest on the bore. Your AE system on the bore then exports the linking book to the tool dynamism which makes the book and dumps it back in the enderchest for you to grab at your end. Here a tutorial somebody made awhile back.