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  1. B

    Did we ruin our unleased server?

    1. Download the FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 Server. 2. Take out all folders. 3.all the new folders you just took out should replace all the old folders you have in your server folder, just delete it by name.
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    FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 Griefprevention Config

    hey any chance you can fix Diamond pipes and some ME blocks, i can still access them with your config but everything else seems to be working fine. Also smeltery control I have access to even though it says you need permission warning.
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    Hello! need help with creating the best batch file to run server!

    Hello, title says it all. I need help in creating the best batch file to run the server with for a FTB Unleashed server. My current batch file can be found below. If there is anything I can do to change the current batch file to run the server with to improve the performance and quality of...
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    Problem Need help! server won't startup due to error!

    and rename the files to what exactly?
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    Need help! Server wont start due to chickenchunks!

    Hello I own a dedicated server, everything has been fine the past 2 weeks until the server crashed, and now It seems I cant start up my FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 server due to this error that has been sent to my crash-error reports folder. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Shall we play a game...
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    Problem Need help! server won't startup due to error!

    Also, right before the crash mentioning chickenchunks, there is a line in the console I get right before the crash happens which is apart of forgemodloader or something stating "2013-08-27 07:40:14 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] [PfF]: Adapting item.railcraft.liquid.creosote.liquid to fermenter. 16...
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    Problem Need help! server won't startup due to error!

    Rename which files exactly in the chickenchunks folder? all i see in it is the players.dat file and loginTimes.dat file.
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    Problem Need help with Allocating more RAM on a Dedicated Server!

    I'm not sure if I understand, Why would there be a problem with the cpu? and is there a way to FULLY use all the ram on the server at once or does the server only take what ram it needs according to how many players are on.
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    Problem Need help! server won't startup due to error!

    Hello I own a dedicated server, everything has been fine the past 2 weeks until the server crashed, and now It seems I cant start up my FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 server due to this error that has been sent to my crash-error reports folder. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Shall we play a game...
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    Dynamp & BoP black textures

    Can someone please post a working version of Dynmap for ftb unleased 1.1.3, most of my dynmap is black with a few areas appearing which I'm guessing is the vanilla biomes while biomesoplenty is showing as black.
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    BedCraftGP - [*Fix 95% off ALL griefing*] ~Ultimate ~Unleashed

    Your download link for UnleashedGP is broken, can you please fix it?
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    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    is it safe to use tickthreading, and is tickthreading available for the unleashedpack yet?
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    Unleashed with GregTech ID Conflict

    Does this actually require the gregtech mod to be installed in the clients? does everyone have to manually install gregtech just to play on the server?
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    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    Hello can you please be more specific, i have no clue which java options your talking about setting, and if your talking about a batch file with that above setting in place, please send it to me.
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    Ftb Ultimate server repeatedly crashing! help!

    Ok but I have problems increasing my maxpermsize because my server is hosted by another server provider and they say they don't have access to the batch file that starts the server on a multicraft panel.
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    Ftb Ultimate server repeatedly crashing! help!

    Does not work, I delete the jar/zip tickthreading from mods folder, i attempt to start server again but does not respond or start at all, not unless I put back the Tickthreading zip/jar back in the mods folder.
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    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    ok but where exactly do i find my java options if I'm using a server provider to host my server, I'm not hosting the server myself..And also does the crashes have anything to do with the soulshards mod? because this problem only started 2 days ago for some reason and everything was working fine...
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    TickThreading - concurrent entity/tile entity ticks and other optimisations

    ok, I'd really appreciate a solid answer on whats going on, this error seems to pop up everytime the server crashes every 20-40 minutes. I have the latest 1.4.7 Tickthreading installed also. 31.07 00:29:17 [Server] INFO list 31.07 00:28:39 [Server] INFO list 31.07 00:28:02 [Server] INFO list...
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    Ftb Ultimate server repeatedly crashing! help!

    you can't go back or can you? So how do I remove tickthreading from the server?