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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server OTE Gamers - Unleashed 1.1.7 | Whitelist | TS3 | MyTown | Econ | MultiGaming Community - Est. 2006

    In-Game Name: sev07knight Name: Travis How long have you been playing minecraft? Since the really old and simple minecraft launcher Do you have experience on Feed the Beast? Yes, both with magic and science Have you ever been banned form a minecraft server? No Do you have TS3 and willing to use...
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    Luincraft|FTB-Latest|Open|Mild PVP|BETA

    IGN: sev07knight Paraphrase of 1st rule: Do not break blocks placed by other players, besides blocks made of minerals like tin, copper, iron, gold, diamond, uranium, etc. Paraphrase of 4th rule: If it's not a storage block, in a container/machine, then don't take it.
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    The.Factory |FTB Beta Pack A|Whitelist| PvE, Small, No Grief, Friendly,

    IGN: sev07knight Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Of course, ReglasRules Have you been banned before?: Never IF so, why and how many times?: N/A Why should you be whitelisted?: I would like to play with my friends on a small and friendly server for FTB
  4. U | Premium FTB Server

    IGN: sev07knight Where you heard about the server: The FTB forums Why you would like to play on the server: I'd like to play with my friends on a dedicated server If you have any bans on record: No What can you bring to the community: A helping hand