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  1. F

    1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 Ultimate, Nuclear Reactor Change?

    Its the last update for 1.4.7 which is 2.90h IIRC.
  2. F

    1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 Ultimate, Nuclear Reactor Change?

    Damn that last bit about the 1 uranium + 8 tin... Still these changes aren't good enough... I am probably just greedy. =X
  3. F

    1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 Ultimate, Nuclear Reactor Change?

    Feels like a nerf to me... Anyway whats the math for the thorium and plutonium cells?
  4. F

    1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 Ultimate, Nuclear Reactor Change?

    The design I was using, could be used continuously over days in infinite cycles. Does the reactor design in talonfiremage webpage still work? Damn, reactors are already so underpowered and he went and nerf it. Anyway, the nuclear reactor design I was using is from
  5. F

    1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 Ultimate, Nuclear Reactor Change?

    I just got slapped in the face with two nuclear reactor disappearing after the update. The design I was using was 0 heat... I don't think nuclear power is even feasible now.