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    JVM Arguments for Modded Minecraft (Updated 12/30/13)

    Hello Eyamaz, thank you for your post, it has been helping me for a while now! I'm running a 1.6.4 Server, using Windows and MCMyAdmin with MCPC+. I'm alocating 6Gb out of the 7Gb available For some reason, when I try running the server with the new arguments it fails to load with the following...
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    Some updates would be nice . . .

    Classless, I think you missed the point too, they are starting to earn money... right now they are posting news about new sponsorships, shops and that kind of stuff... I think that it's okay, but it would be nice to have some news about the new launcher/new modpack versions too
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    1.7.x Packs Yet!? [Mindcrack/DW20/Ultimate/Lite/Horizons/Monster/Unleashed/Unhinged/Tech/Magic/etc]

    Thermal Expansion news
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    Whitelist Server =rTr= FTB Hard Ultimate| Whitelist Server| v1.1.2| 18+ Community

    Hello guys, you have been approved.
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    Whitelist Server Magic's Ultimate Server (v1.1.2) | Whitelist | Hard Mode | Professionally Hosted | 18+

    Yes, sadly it has been rolled back a few hours, we are setting up a force save-all commandblock so this don't happen again
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    Whitelist Server Magic's Ultimate Server (v1.1.2) | Whitelist | Hard Mode | Professionally Hosted | 18+

    Hi guys! Yeah, we found the solution to the crashes, server will be down until tomorrow morning (monday) to do some maintenance. Also, we already reviewed the applications and we are going to be whitelisting thomorrow.
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    Updating from Ultimate 1.0.1 to Ultimate 1.1.2

    Yeah, I just deleted the cfg's and worked like a charm. Thank you for the answer!
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    Whitelist Server Magic's Ultimate Server (v1.1.2) | Whitelist | Hard Mode | Professionally Hosted | 18+

    Hi once again guys, server has been updated to 1.1.2. New applications will be reviewed in a week Have a nice day, Stad.
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    Updating from Ultimate 1.0.1 to Ultimate 1.1.2

    Hi man! We just updated too, and we are having issues when entering the server (ticking error)... did you have any problem like this one?
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    Whitelist Server Magic's Ultimate Server (v1.1.2) | Whitelist | Hard Mode | Professionally Hosted | 18+

    Guys, we are currently running Ultimate pack v1.0.1, if you are having problems joining the server try changing the version on the FTB launcher. Server will be down for a few minutes today while we update to the lastest version. We are not whitelisting any more people today, so we can see who...
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    Whitelist Server Magic's Ultimate Server (v1.1.2) | Whitelist | Hard Mode | Professionally Hosted | 18+

    Whitelisted! You have been whitelisted! Really man? I never played on the ultimate server, and I only played on the mindcrack server twice Approved! Approved! You made me laugh with the last one :P
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    Whitelist Server Magic's Ultimate Server (v1.1.2) | Whitelist | Hard Mode | Professionally Hosted | 18+

    I liked your application and personal message, but sadly you lied about your age, you are 15 years old. You have been whitelisted! Feel free to choose an available plot. Remember spawn town is currently under construction. Denied, saw your youtube videos about hacked tnt You have been...
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    Whitelist Server Magic's Ultimate Server (v1.1.2) | Whitelist | Hard Mode | Professionally Hosted | 18+

    Magic's Ultimate Server Hello! Magic's Ultimate Server is part of PaleoCraft community. We are looking for new, mature and regular players to keep building up a small and great FTB group. We have a freshly created world, and spawn town is currently under construction. We have mature staff...