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    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    You have been added, welcome! :) Please visit our website at for server info, contest info, etc.
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    Crazy Tree Cutting Contraption Mark II

    Considering the absolutely massive amount of saplings one of those Fir trees drop, I couldn't imagine it wouldn't. It only takes four to replant one, and they can literally drop a stack of saplings per tree.
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    Nano saber glitch?

    Presumably their link to the barrel's dimension is severed, and they're lost in inter-dimensional space. :P
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    Regarding tesseracts: does anyone else think this is silly?

    Technically, it doesn't even have to be chunk loaded to use the chest. If you are pulling stuff out of the physical chest with a Filter, for instance, the Filter needs to be chunkloaded. The inventory works no matter where you are, because it's not tied to the physical Chest.
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    Regarding tesseracts: does anyone else think this is silly?

    I'm inclined to agree with this. I love the Tesseracts, but except in certain situations, Ender Chests are easier for items, and (if in SSP to avoid the diamond latch cost) cheaper. Liquid Tesseracts simply have no competition. They are the only convenient way of transporting liquid any...
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    Regarding tesseracts: does anyone else think this is silly?

    Using a diamond on the gold latch of an Ender Chest makes it a private-esque channel. The diamond latch basically adds your player name as a fourth "color," so any chest you use a diamond on, and has the same color sequence, is distinct from chests with the same colors, but no diamond, or the...
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    Regarding tesseracts: does anyone else think this is silly?

    If Item and Liquid Tesseracts get a power requirement added, it would only make sense to have to power one side per frequency. I mean, conceptually, they are two shadows of one four dimensional object, so powering one of them would distribute that power to every one of the same tesseract...
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    diamond torch things

    They were pretty handy little gadgets if you were prone to mining in the dark, or using machines out of doors. Also, IIRC, they could ward off Ogre attacks, where walls and light are less than helpful.
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    diamond torch things

    To answer your question, they were called Interdiction Torches, but as Guswut said, they are not available in any FTB pack.
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    Yogscast on FTB

    I have to admit, as an American, its a trait I wish Americans had more often. I thoroughly appreciate British humor, and when people around me misinterpret my humorous intentions as being a jerk, it can be frustrating. Funny story; while in a political science class in college, some students...
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    Safe (No Vulgarity) Server Idea. Good or bad idea?

    Try "Family Friendly." Or "G-Rated." Or somesuch.
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    Safe (No Vulgarity) Server Idea. Good or bad idea?

    You'll probably have the best luck getting something like this organized in a religious setting. On most forums you'll get as many trolls as anything trying to bother your experience, and I'm betting that's not what you're interested in. Maybe get together with people from your...
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    Is anyone using Steve's Carts 2 for automatic mining?

    The best trick I've seen for overcoming this is adding a seat module to the cart, riding along with it, and manually moving its inventory into an Ender Pouch connected to your processing system. This also saves on a Chunk Loader Module. ;)
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    Is anyone using Steve's Carts 2 for automatic mining?

    The SC mining carts may be expensive, but they're anything but slow. The Galgadorian is the fastest mining device in the game. It mines a 9x9 tunnel at a rate of 20bps. The Hardened Drill is slower, but more reasonably priced. It mines around 3-4bps on average, in a 5x5. The Basic Drill, which...
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    Steve's Carts

    Liquid Sensors, as well, unless you want to lose your Galgadorian Drill to lava rushing on the tracks. Protip: you don't. :P
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    I can honestly say in all my extensive time playing with some variant of IC, I have never had a single crash related to either Jetpack model. In fact, the only issue I've had with them is back when they were first added, they calculated falling damage based on the total height changed rather...
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    Pulverized ferrous ore

    Nickel is interchangeable with Ferrous Dust in the Invar recipes.
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    SMP tree cutting mod?

    Well it cuts from the top down. That's how a few of the tree cutting mods work, or can be configured to work, IIRC.
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    SMP tree cutting mod?

    Research a Thaumcraft Axe of the Stream. Works just like the tree cutting mods, on all overworld trees I've found except the giant Rubberwoods. Might work on Twilight Trees too, but I haven't tried that.
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    [mindcrack] Bronze cost via config

    It is a cross mod interaction that causes the issue, not his machine. His machine merely points out that the issue exists, much like KingLemming's Forge Lexicon. Is it a flaw of the Lexicon that it enables people to convert basic Dyes into Buckets + Dyes? Nope. It just points out a limitation of...