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  1. M

    Monster, Shader's, Sphax and memory usage

    When I play there are always two instances of javaw.exe in the task manager. One of them uses all the resources and the other about 1% of cpu. It could be because I have set the option that reloads ftb after you finish playing.
  2. M

    Mod Books

    He did take the time. He put all the info in a book you get when you start a new game.
  3. M

    [W.I.P.] [FORGE] Travel Runes ( temp. name )

    you just have to watch out for EA trying to sue your arse, as the pouch and the ingrediants graphics look to similar to Ultima Online.
  4. M

    Mod Books

    It would't be to hard for a java programer to make an API like that, the difficulty comes in not getting carried away and over engineering the API with fancy features.
  5. M

    Mod Books

    I like your thinking, but this is getting very meta.
  6. M

    Mod Books

    I was thinking about this the other day, maybe some kind of kindle that way you wouldn't need so many books on your hotbar.
  7. M

    Custom Pictures in Written Books

    It might not be possible. The books in tinkers constructs, probally aren't really books at all, but an item which the mod maker coded them selves and used a book texture. Just a thought, if you use the NBT editor on a Tinkers Construct book, you might be able to do what you wanted
  8. M

    What boiler should i get

    Personaly I believe a high pressure boiler is to much hard work to run efficiently, fuel wise. A low pressure one is a lot simplier.
  9. M

    [W.I.P.] [FORGE] Travel Runes ( temp. name )

    I don't know if you have played Discworld MUD but they had a similar mechanic. You would mark a rock with a location if you cast recall on the rock it would use up the rock. However if you had a hammer you could break the rock after marking it i nto a pile of single use recall stones. This...
  10. M

    About IC2.cfg

    I remember when they disabled the sounds, I think it was because they where to loud for headphone users, I could be wrong though.
  11. M

    About IC2.cfg

    I think it's because if they didn't disable copper and tin world gen in all the mods, then cobblestone would become rarer than diamonds.
  12. M

    [W.I.P.] [FORGE] Travel Runes ( temp. name )

    The pouch looks great, brings back memories of UO. I hope this mod makes it into FTB packs, I can already imagine logging in to a SMP server for the first time and finding a rune for the spawn in my hotbar
  13. M

    Weird things you've skipped

    Never got any ender pearls either, but last time I played (mindcrack) there were other ways of doing things so I never needed any.
  14. M

    Weird things you've skipped

    Never been to the end Never fought an enderman Never build or seen a quarry Never even seen a skeleton on a spider even though I have been playing since the update before hunger was added. Basicly I spend the night hiding in my base crying
  15. M

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    What exactly does the force update button do on the launcher? Does it update to the newest modpack or does it update the individual mods themselves? Sent from my ivory tower using Tapatalk 2
  16. M

    How does the launcher update modpacks

    I haven't played since mindcrack came out and I was wondering, when you update a modpack to a newer version does the launcher still delete the folder and download the next version, or does it retain your settings? I used to use ftb launcher to download the modpacks and use another laucher to...
  17. M

    how to reach that divine FPS

    That's no excuse, you should write all code as if the person maintaining it is a psychopath who knows where you live. Sent from my ivory tower using Tapatalk 2
  18. M

    [W.I.P.] [FORGE] Travel Runes ( temp. name )

    Carrying on from the Ultima Online theme, it should be quite differcult to "mark" a rune, "recalling" from a rune should be trivial and "gating" or makeing a portal that others can use should have some cost as well. Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2
  19. M

    Price of Chunkloaders/Forge Lexicon

    How do you know that real life is all loaded at once?
  20. M

    Is OP too OP?

    Yeah chickens where OP they like drop three items, but they where nerfed when they stopped receiving fall damage.