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  1. P

    Ae2 noob need help

    Oh i got it, i will try to play a little bit in creative to understand better the mod, ty you sir!
  2. P

    Ae2 noob need help

    oh no controller, ok i will try to craft one and some dense cables. So if i wanna connect like 100-120+ barrels to the me system it's ok with just 1 controller and dense cables?
  3. P

    Ae2 noob need help

    Hello guys, I play modded minecraft since 1.4.7 but I refuse to use Ae2 because I always felt that the mod does not fit in the minecraft world. But now i wanna try it. I have a basic system with a me drive with 2 4k storage cell, energy acceptor, energy cell and a crafting terminal. Now when i...
  4. P

    Request FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock Expert Mode

    had the same thought today, it will be nice to plat infinity expert on a skyblock map with exnihlo and exastris
  5. P

    Any rpg modded server around?

    Is there a rpg server with few mods, like tinker jabba pams or smt like that? Could be themed, skyrim or warcraft dunno :/ I searched but most of them are vanilla.
  6. P

    Same settings, different results.

    Hi, i noticed that the mipmap level in some modpacks (or at least i think it's mipmap) is different from others, but all are from the same luncher (curse) and all have the same video settings. Here 4 ss from 4 modpacks (dw20, my own modpack, c9 and as2)...