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  1. B

    low frame rate

    It's probably using your integrated graphics instead of the dedicated graphics. With the latest NVIDIA drivers the option for forcing use of the dedicated GPU should be under: 1. Nvidia Control Panel 2. Manage 3D settings 3. Global settings 4. Switch the drop-down menu from Auto to NVIDIA 5...
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    Help ? 18 more eror

    Have you changed the modpack? As in removing or adding mods? If, not the problem might be caused by the modpack itself. Do other modpacks work fine? You could also have a corrupt installation. In that case removing the modpack and reinstalling the recommended version should fix it. Copy your...
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    FPS instability

    Do you have the latest drivers installed? Scroll through all options. Can you find an option called: Preferred graphics processor? Also check at the program specific options if you can set the preferred graphics processor to NVIDIA for Java.
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    ftb direwolf20 cauldron with plugins

    Hmm, did not know that existed. But I still see more potential in Forge and the new Sponge API. Everything related Bukkit is having legal issues.
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    I have ascended. Thanks Google Safe Search!
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    [Mini benchmark] FTB Monster on Ubuntu - screen driver matters! (AMD Radeon)

    Hmm, interesting. Correct me if I am wrong but Debian is known to use older versions of apps in favor of stability. Maybe this has something to do with the default drivers working better?
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    Can't refuse that. Suggestions?
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    FPS instability

    With the latest NVIDIA drivers the option for forcing use of the dedicated GPU should be under: 1. Nvidia Control Panel 2. Manage 3D settings 3. Global settings 4. Switch the drop-down menu from Auto to NVIDIA 5. Reboot your PC If you just want a specific executable to use the NVIDIA GPU: Use...
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    Aah, this explains the excessive amount of anime girl avatars on the FTB forum... Maybe I should join this glorious revolution?!
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    FPS Lock

    Oops, just noticed it as well. Sorry for bumping an old thread. Just wanted to help. :)
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    [Mini benchmark] FTB Monster on Ubuntu - screen driver matters! (AMD Radeon)

    Yeah, the open source drivers in Linux are crap (especially for gaming).
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    ftb direwolf20 cauldron with plugins

    Cauldron is obsolete due to legal issues. It is completely normal for it to not work properly or even not work at all. So there is probably no fix.
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    FTB Packs taking a long time to load

    You should list your specs. It strongly depends on your CPU, disk speed and the specific modpack used. With a weak CPU and slow HDD it will take a long time. It will take even more time if another task is using the HDD and/or CPU.
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    NVIDIA OpenGL driver issue

    It is reported that the latest NVIDIA drivers (everything above 350.12) crash frequently (even at desktop). I suggest completely removing current drivers and installing driver version 347.88 (the latest driver that is reported stable by the community). This will probably solve your issue.
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    FPS Lock

    Your monitor is 60Hz so you won't really be able to notice a difference in FPS above 60. I suggest just turning Vsync on. It will eliminate tearing and lock FPS to your monitor's refresh rate, which will deliver a smoother experience. Besides that it also removes additional load off the GPU...