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  1. W

    Modern Alternative to Buildcraft Gates?

    I'm running a setup with a turtle tree farm and steam dynamos. I need there to be a way for the dynamos to signal to a redstone furnace that they do not have fuel. I was going to use Buildcraft gates, but I'm looking for a different solution. I think there is a way for EnderIO to do this, but...
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    Problem Question about microblocks.

    It seems that there are a type of microblocks included in either forge or chickenbone's mods now. I'm trying to disable those, and use immibis's instead. I found a config file, multipart.cfg but you cannot disable, only set ID's. Help anyone?
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    Mystcraft Void Age Question.

    Okay, I'm trying to create a stable mystcraft void age for my server. What pages I need is void(obviously), mushroomisland biome, endless night, and no weather. That's it. I've been having troubles writing it, and I thought you nice people of the FTB forums could help :)
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    Blocks that emit redstone signal

    I can't think of any except the Redstone Block that vanilla adds in 1.5, but is there any existing block that emits a redstone signal constantly in 1.4.7? I know this a dumb question but I cannot think of anything today.
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    Question about Gates, Tanks and Fusion Reactors.

    On a server, I have built a gregtech Fusion Reactor, the new one. I am trying to balance my tritium and deuterium levels so it can run constantly without me supervising. I was considering using gates to measure something in my quantum tanks so it would turn the tritium-producing machines on and...
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    Mindcrack and Applied Energistics?

    Will AE be added in 1.5 or in later versions?
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    Help with Applied Energistics?

    I need help with a ME interface. For example, i want to smelt ALL of my aluminum ore. So i throw it in the ME interface, first of all, it dupes it. Then it wont eject it into the furnace below. How?
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    Best way to use Biofuel?

    Im trying to convert my Biofuel to EU. Using direwolf so the thermal generator setup wont work. Does anyone have setups of their own or have ideas? Post :3
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    Mystcraft Provider Type Crash

    The error is on pastebin. Many people on my server are having this problem. It is solved temp with a player.dat reset. Then it bugs out again. Please help?
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    Most efficient and most cheap way to transporting EU over massive distances?

    What is the most cost-efficient way of teleporting EU?
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    Ender Bee Revival

    On this server I play on, I have an ender drone, how would I get queens,princesses,and more drones from that one drone. Is there any method of breeding that would allow me to revive the species?