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  1. S

    (Linux) Cron Script for Crash detection/Auto Restart.

    remote toolkit isnt 1.7.10 but thank you anyway :)
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    (Linux) Cron Script for Crash detection/Auto Restart.

    well ill guess i dont get any help or links here.. to bad..
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    (Linux) Cron Script for Crash detection/Auto Restart.

    no one any idea how to auto restart ftb dw20 1.7.10 if it crashed? :(
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    (Linux) Cron Script for Crash detection/Auto Restart.

    hi, ill used board and google search and could not find anything useful. im looking for a idea/script to auto restart ftb 1.7.10 dw20 pack if it crashes. i dont want to babysit it all day. thx
  5. S

    exception with ftb 1.6.4

    no same error.. now after extrautil.. id worked before launcher update to 1.3.2 than i had lots of errors and finaly tryd the update of my drivers.. since than i got it as reported here.. the error before the driver update was glerror 1282 invalid operation. dont have any logfiles from it any...
  6. S

    exception with ftb 1.6.4

    Sorry, my fault.. here the console log: ill tryed the troubeshooting guide.. reinstalled java.. same. but i tested on my mother computer runing linux.. works fine with 1gb ram and the same mods deactivated there. which surprised me becouse she doesnt have a proper...
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    exception with ftb 1.6.4

    hi ill would be more than happy when someone could help me. my crashlog and dxdiag her: if someone would have a solution for me it would be awesome. it worked with catalyst 13.4 sometimes, but i had the problem, that it somethimes...
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    [Direwolf20] TreeCapitator

    use timer mod.. no config needed but its only ssp. if you want to config treecapitator.. it needs the ids of the modtree "logs" in the config file.
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    [Direwolf20] TreeCapitator

    i use timber mod.. works the same with out id config stuff.. its real nice :)
  10. S

    DW20 Cant use deployer on tanks?

    doesnt the te liquid transposer need power?!?
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    DW20 Cant use deployer on tanks?

    ya but how without the deployer working?!? :(
  12. S

    DW20 Cant use deployer on tanks?

    no.. i have the same issue.. deployer does not work.. useing dw20 v3 also i tryed it with filters and the TE liquid transposer.. the filter does not pull nor push the buckets. i dont use (cant because of lag) mystcraft and some more mods. any ideas how i could get the lava from the nether my...