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  1. M

    Generating Ages crashes the server

    As I already mentioned, the console does not give out any error message, so your guess is probably the reason. I think I'll try to generate an age on my singleplayer-world and just load it up via ftp ...
  2. M

    Generating Ages crashes the server

    The client-side log is here I checked the server console after each crash, but it didn't generate any message.
  3. M

    Generating Ages crashes the server

    Hi guys, first of all, I'm sorry if I posted into the right section, but I thought it would belong to here best. Now my problem: I'm OP on a server (running the Direwolf20 pack, v5.2.0) and we just reset the map. We are trying to setup a mining age (properly written, can't be unstable -...
  4. M

    Crash when joining a server [DW20]

    It worked again about 1 or 2 hours later. Also, the server owner banned the usage of portal guns. So everything's fine now, but at least I know what it was. Thanks :)
  5. M

    Crash when joining a server [DW20]

    Hey guys, whenever I try to join a certain serverm i'll get a crash with te following message: link I also uploaded my console log here. Thanks in advance -MrZuribachi
  6. M

    Minecraft crashes when loading Forge [DW20]

    After moving the launcher and changing the installation path of the mod packs, it works now. But sometimes it still fails to launch with the given error. This is the console log is here.
  7. M

    Minecraft crashes when loading Forge [DW20]

    Whenever I try to play the DW20 pack, Forge tells me on startup while it loads that it can't launch minecraft at its current configuration and asks me to have a look on its logs. Well, I can't really understand logfiles so I hope you'll be able to find the problem. The log is uploaded here...
  8. M

    DireWolf20 Singleplayer Crash

    The issue might be related to Mystcraft. On the server I'm playing we had the same problem, whenever a tank cart went to a portal from the nether to the overworld the server crashed. But also if any other entity travelled from the nether to the overworld. Also it appears to me that mass fabs...