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  1. O

    1.0.2: I mannaged to break the game :D

    through testing I noticed it only happens when I move a mfr block, not when I have them in my world. (By move i mean use funky locomotion).
  2. O

    1.0.2: I mannaged to break the game :D

    I mannaged to get back into my wold with the help of mcedit (suggested by irc chat :D). if you look here this is what I built. I had to remove the minefactory reloaded blockbreakers to load my world. the breakers were in the front of the first image. also on the first image on the top right...
  3. O

    1.0.2: I mannaged to break the game :D

    Version: 1.0.2 What is the bug: Well in my single player I was creating an version of the uber miner that could be controlled using buildcraft structure pipes, buildcraft logic pipes, the new funky locomotion mod with microparts to put the Extra utilites energy pipes in and finally the ender...