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  1. M

    Greylist Server [Ultimate/Unleashed+]*OniUltima*[SMP][24/7][50 Slots][Bukkit][Greylist][Free Build][3000+ Users]

    In-Game Name? Meges Age and Global Location? 26 /Western NY Have you ever been banned before? Got crazy during a prank war and got banned for it. Since then I have retired from pranking Why do you play SMP? To show off and brag about my builds. You know this is a member application...
  2. M

    Copper cables,refined iron cables or gold cables? Whats better?

    Don't waste all your diamonds on Glass Fibre cable. Sure its the easy way but with a little knowledge you can save yourself diamonds. Insulated Copper Cable holds a max of 32EU/p and loses 1 EU every 5 blocks Double insulated Gold Cable holds a max of 128EU/p and loses 1 EU every 2.5 blocks...