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  1. S

    Request Looking for fellow YouTubers (DW20 server)!

    I do Robert Mack! this server is a great community in my experience so far, I have already begun with some basic mining and stuff, nothing too fancy, you gotta join Discord first to get you whitelisted, but it's pretty...
  2. S

    Request Looking for fellow YouTubers (DW20 server)!

    Hey everyone, I am so, so, SO TERRIBLY sorry I had been this silent the past few months, things got a bit busy, I'd love to just play with a lot of you guys on a community server maybe (So I don't need to spend the money for a server ^.^) and just play to have a lot of fun, and to see what we...
  3. S

    Request Looking for fellow YouTubers (DW20 server)!

    Hello there! My name is Donny, IGN: Mr_PearJuice, 18 years old, serious gamer, but funny personality. I Dutch, but got this in mind: I would like to get together 5-10 people that will record on the private server we'll set up together, and play as we are a network, so often we'll play...
  4. S

    Problem Server runs, but can't connect (DW20 1.7.10)

    Hey man, thanks for the reply! I have tried this: 1. Works 2. Works (on my own WiFi, not on hers) 3. Works on my network, but not on hers) 4. Haven't tried it yet, I'll look into that. However, now I know for sure it is her network that causes the problem. She can connect to other servers on...
  5. S

    Problem Server runs, but can't connect (DW20 1.7.10)

    Not at all.. But it seem that even when I am on the same network as the computer with the problem, that it won't connect to another own-hosted server, I brought my macbook to test it..
  6. S

    Problem Server runs, but can't connect (DW20 1.7.10)

    Hello All, I was hoping you guys knew the answer to my very frustrating, and not really logical problem.. So here goes nothing; I run my FTB server in the configuration it has always been in, and how it has been in when it worked. But now I CAN connect via my local host, but no-one outside my...