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  1. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    Sorry for delay in response. No problem with my server, like above I custom the args similar to JadedCat & Dire for larger servers. I run with 8G and am hosting 2 different mod packs on the same host. Server is i7's @ 3.4GHz 12 cores - 64GB. Kinda over kill for minecraft but its what I had...
  2. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    Just pulled down new server version for 1.7.10 at 1_0_8. Installed and running successfully on Windows and Linux/Ubuntu!!!! You guys Rock, thanks so much. (Please note as before the last console message is "Attempting to load JABBA data", as Henry points out the server is functional and...
  3. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    I just tried on Windows: and yes that is the last message seen on the console screen (from JABBA). The server is up though (I was able to connect and others could join). Console commands and logging don't appear to be operational, similar to when 1.7.2 came of MC. TheOz
  4. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    >> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Have you checked you are using a 64-bit version of java (7/8)? From a command prompt try "java -version". Next check your command line arguments looks similar to the below (or paste in ServerStart.bat and run that). java -d64 -Xms4g -Xmx4g...
  5. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    Awesome thanks Eratem, I was able to get the server to startup on Windows after changing EULA. On Linux/Ubuntu still facing issues. I'll post back if I figure that out. Thanks, TheOz
  6. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    I understand, I find it hard to believe too. This is on Ubuntu for me and Windoz for the original poster. The only output is to the console, and initialization doesn't get very far (buildcraft). I did notice that buildcraft is trying to create directories with "\" in the names hardcoded...
  7. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    Thanks again for reply, please note this is FTBServer-1.7.10-1199.jar (not client), there is no start button to click, just shell or bat file to start as shown in post. TIA, TheOz
  8. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    Thank you for responding to the post. Sadly, no log files are created ( I don't believe initialization gets that far, or a previous error prevents it). The text shown above from the console is the only output. TIA, TheOz
  9. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    Ok, so I just tried removing all mods, and config folder. This shows the same behavior as previously. Process starts then exits after about 15 seconds. No log files created. So its not the mods per say but the FTBServer JAR it seems?
  10. T

    Unstable 1.0.7 Server

    I'm facing the same issues here (I'm running on Ubuntu, Java 7 64bit). I was able to make some progress, but still the process exits and no log files are created ( created but empty beyond comments). Here is what I tried to move forward: 1) renamed StevesCarts, EE3...