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    Early Botania Mana Garden

    Youre right. It is about .x20 versions behind... i dont understand why packmakers always seem to use old versions and not update for new methods and fixes.
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    Early Botania Mana Garden

    If youre talking about the one on the first post, I tried that (in Regrowth modpack) and it sucks the sources dry in mere moments
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    [1.6.4] Material Energy^3 [JamPacked] [HQM] [CTM] [Beta]

    i am presently at the point where i recovered the corrupt disk from the safe in the distance. now i am supposed to get 101 energy cells. i have the 101+ of cells, most empty and a few charged.. but the questbook will NOT see any of them. it just says i have 0/101 is this a glitch, or am i doing...
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    [1.6.4] Crafting Paradise [JamPacked] [HQM]

    got it.. just send it back through again.
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    [1.6.4] Crafting Paradise [JamPacked] [HQM]

    how do i put it back in? the system only goes left to right and sending it back through doesnt make the current landmass dissapear
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    [1.6.4] Crafting Paradise [JamPacked] [HQM]

    Downloaded it and found a few issues... its gamebreaking.. i get the biome drives from rewareds and they work the first time... try going back and reloaded them and they arent what they are supposed to be... sacred springs becomes different forest trypes, artic becoemes ocean, etc.... if i take...
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    For all the people who are saying this mod is OP... 1. Personally, i like having the ability to use options that arent end of game. makes it a bit more enjoyable. 2. remember that this mod IS in beta and that balance isnt the biggest priority right now.
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    An idea to prevent Nether lava exploitation

    this is not an exploit. If you have been to the wiki, it would be fairly obvious that that is correct. there is an image in the Tesseracts page that shows a pump, a energy tess, and a liquid tess in a nice pile. In the annotation it states that the liquid tessaract is pumping lava. Now... the...
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    FTB Unofficial Map[v. 0.3]

    v 0.2 if you die in the first stage, your game is over.... period you just keep respawning over and over to the side (31x21) and fall to the void... over and over... the only way to recover the game without reinstalling the map is to enter creative mode and fly placing a bed at the top...
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    Red Power 2 News

    yes, they know. did you read any of the last several posts? they are talking about a possible release for 1.4.5
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    GregTech Debate Thread

    Personally, I dont mind GT in itself. it adds a few useful machines. the problem that I DO have, however, is that it altered the other recipes directly. I dont care if there are config files to change things back around, as thats not the issue. If you make a mod, you do NOT make it so that it...
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    FTB Map Discussion

    Glowstone is pretty easy actually.. though, you need a macerator make an X with redstone, then fill in hte gaps with gold DUST Teach the glow dust to your table and make more
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    "Normal world" FTB

    sweet. thanks Wendigo
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    Doctor Who

    1974 i believe. first episode i saw was PLANET OF THE SPIDERS with Jon Pertwee (last episode for him as a seasonal Doctor) then came Tom Baker with Robot and I have been hooked ever since The new 2005 series doesn't hold well with me since they keep kicking past history and culture/mythology...
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    "Normal world" FTB

    My question runs parallel to this one... How can i generate a regular world to play the mods in? something other than the void with a piece of bedrock.
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    Feed The Beast 1.2.5 Mod Packs and Maps

    remember that the current version of Mystcraft is a JAR mod (goes in the minecraft JAR file) and is built on a specific forge version. so a Forge version wont have the right hooks in it, and the versions after that will have hooks changed, some hooks removed, etc... (and this is 1.2.5 not 1.3.2)