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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. S

    Server Hosting

    What's the lowest you were able to run at say a max of 6 people online?
  2. S

    Server Hosting

    I feel like 5gb is quite a lot for a 25 slot server o.o have you ever tried lowering the amount of RAM? Also thanks for your info.
  3. S

    Server Hosting

    Could anyone recommend a server host with a decent reputation, it doesn't have to be minecraft specific. I'm just tired of all of my hosts crapping out and having problems. Also it's going to be a fairly small server with probably a max of 10 people online at once. What are the requirements to...
  4. S | Premium FTB Server

    IGN: Seechay1 Where you heard about the server: Off this forum =) Why you would like to play on the server: I've been reading through the posts on this thread and I've noticed many people have some fairly nice applications. It would be very fun to play with them. Plus I like the way this server...