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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server JAG Craft | Whitelist | 24/7 | 18 Slots | Forge Essentials

    1) Have you read everything above? Yes 2) In Game Name: PHI_Flyers10 3) Age: 20 4) Location (country/timezone): US, EST (-5) 5) Time you are generally on: Evenings/Nights, days on weekends and Tuesdays and Thursdays 6) How long have you been playing Minecraft: 5 months 7) How long have you been...
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    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    Thanks for the great response. That makes a lot of sense. Hopefully they can get it all worked out because I'd love to have some other stuff to play with, even though I've only just started FTB this past week. There's so much to do with it all.
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    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    Don't know if it's been answered, but why is Metallurgy considered unbalanced? It just adds a lot of ores that can be used for weapons and armor but they aren't necessarily overpowered.
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    Mods that should be put into Feed the Beast

    Metallurgy 2. Get more awesome weapons and armor with 40+ new ores.
  5. P

    AppleCraft - FTB |FTB Beta-A 1.4.2|Whitelist or |No PvP - Creeper Explosions Off

    IGN: PHI_Flyers10 Age: 19 FTB Experience: I've played a bit on open servers but have watched countless videos on how the mods work and enjoy researching it. Have you ever been banned?: Nope Why do you want to be a part of AppleCraft?: I really want to be a part of a dedicated server and...
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    Anything Goes/1.4.2/Whitelist

    PHI_Flyers10 I'm the definition of a chill person. Lol. I really do like just hanging out and trying to have some fun without some form of ridiculous competition. I have Skype and am willing to talk. I do have a roommate though so I can't always talk on it (late at night). I'm 19 and a sophomore...