Search results

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Casual Server ASci Survival server|FTB Lite2 v1.1.9|open

    I would love to join this server. Except it seems to be down? Or I did something wrong. Thanks if you reply to this.
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    Whitelist Server ThatDorkyGuy Presents...Unleashed 1.1.7 + Gregtech | Brand New| Whitelist | Small Tight Community

    In-Game Name: Recyrexor How old are you? 25 Where are you from (City, State or Country)? Maine, USA What are you looking for in this server? Something new to discover. A close group of friends to enjoy playing minecraft with. How long have you been playing Minecraft? Over 2 years. What...
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    Whitelist Server Unleash The Panda|Unleashed v1.1.3|Whitelisted|Small Comunity|Dedicated Server|Fiber Optics Internet

    My IGN is Recyrexor, I joined your previous server about a month ago and unfortunately had to leave because of lag issues. I'd like to comeback as my pc should be running much more smoothly this time. As you know my favorite mods are the chemistry/DNA based mods. Bees, Trees, and potions to...
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    Private Pack | 152wgt + extras | whitelist | community

    What are your goals are for playing on this server? A new experience of people, places and things. A rough estimate for when during the week you would normally be on the server? Everyday if I enjoy the server :). Usual play style (builder, tech tree runner, etc)? I consider myself a...
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    Whitelist Server Speed The Beast Ultimate| 24/7 | 18+ | 15 Slots

    I can't log in due to missing mods. Is my version different or are there mods I need to include? EDIT: Disregard that message. I derped and didn't read that you were using the Ultimate pack now. Reading comprehension at its finest :p.
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    Whitelist Server Speed The Beast Ultimate| 24/7 | 18+ | 15 Slots

    -IGN: Recyrexor -Age: 24 -Tell us a little about yourself: I prefer playing FTB on a small community server. Small communities grow as friends more easily. Also, with less people it is easy to find a job or task to do for the community. I guess I am a nomad in a way. I don't like to stay in...
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    Whitelist Server DireWolf 20 Server

    It's weird but I can't seem to connect to the server. Is the server down or do I have the wrong connection?
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    Whitelist Server DireWolf 20 Server

    I can't reach server either. Been letting the screen sit for several hours. Nothing has happened. Perhaps server crashed while owner was away?
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    Whitelist Server DireWolf 20 Server

    IGN: Recyrezor Age: 24 Favorite FTB Mod: Thaumcraft, Mystcraft, and Forestry. Time Zone: GMT - 5 :) yay same timezone as you.
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    Whitelist Server Skeptical Gaming | DireWolf20 | Whitelist | 6GB | No PvP | Hard | Survival

    Game Name: Recyrexor Age: 24 Reason to Join: New adventure, new beginning. I prefer the smaller servers, they make it easier to make friends it seems. Little About You: I have been playing FTB for a few months now and as far as favorite mods I'd say thaumcraft is on top. Though I want to delve...
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    Whitelist Server Llama Mindcrack - 1.4.7. V8.0.1 - (Mytown)(Essentials)(Whitelist)(Survival)(Voluntary PvP) 20 slots

    IGN?: Recyrexor Quest?: To improve my artistic talents and have fun. Favorite Color?: I love every color equally. Age: 24 Country: USA Skill/Knowledge level on FTB: Several months now, I have experience in thaumcraft, gregtech, forestry, buildcraft, and portalgun. Why you want to join our...
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    Whitelist Server l Mindcrack v8.2 l Whitelist l Essentials l Grief Prevention l HawkEye l 32 slot

    Forum Name: Recyrexor In-Game Name: Recyrexor Age: 24, 06/18/1988. Country: USA Have you played FTB before: Yes, I have been playing exclusively on single player so far. Have you ever been banned: No. What can you bring to Trince: My favorite mod right now is Thaumcraft. I love diving into the...
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    GrayCraft|Latest FTB A|Whitelisted Mature PvE

    1: Minecraft Name - Recyrexor 2: Age - 24 3: I have never been banned, but have left servers on bad notes. Usually because the server was run by 12 year olds. 4: I have teamspeak. I haven't used it in . . I don't know how long. Although I don't usually use voice chat anyway. Prefer to type. I...