Whitelist Server Skeptical Gaming | DireWolf20 | Whitelist | 6GB | No PvP | Hard | Survival

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am looking for some new players to join my server. This is a relaxed server to just explore and build whatever the player wants. We have a public TeamSpeak to join, but your not required to join. If you need help with something players are willing to help. I have no age requirement, if you play the game, act mature and don't annoy other players I have no problem. I am also open to inviting friends to join as well.

Server Info:
Port: 25565
Slots: 75
Difficulty: Hard
PVP: Off

Server Specs:
Processor: Intel E3 1230 v2 3.3Ghz
Memory: 6GB DDR3
SSD: Intel 520 120GB
Network: 1GBps

-No Stealing, Griefing, Hacking or Spamming
-Don't ask OP for items or to become OP
-Be friendly and helpful

Game Name:
Reason to Join:
Little About You:

I will contact via PM if accepted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi I'd love join!

>Gamename: zepx_x
>Age: 22
>Reason to Join: A friend of mine stopped playing and I'm looking for people to play with.
>Little about you: I'm not a rager or griefer, I'm pretty active and I dont like to play alone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: bongking666
Age: 19
Reason to Join: looking for a server to have fun and create a fun and awesome world!!
Little about you: I started playing FTB about 5 months ago and have been loving but have gotten bored playing solo. I hate griefers and play daily and love messing around with bees :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: Slutnick
Reason to Join: Lately, other servers i played on is either shutdown, or laggy.! Looking for a stable server that i can play on.
Little About You: I play minecraft almost everyday, huge fan :). I enjoy playing with others and have a fun time together! See ya..

Any banned items ? :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: jollysis98
Age: almost 15
Reason to Join: Im looking for a server to have fun with others on and have a little community with them. (like on the ForgeCraft server)
Little About You: Im a mature and friendly player. I have played FTB since the launch and have played a lot with the mods before that. I have good expirience with almost every mod in this pack. I play daily, hate griefing and like to make automatic machines and other cool buildings and machines. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name:TaticalPT
Reason to Join:I would like to play in this server because i like whitelisted servers, not servers with 100 ppl and lots of lag.
Little About You:I have been with mods since i saw direwolfs 2º season :) so i know almost every mod from direwolfs pack :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: KaosC57
Age: 14
Reason to Join: I would like to play on a non griefing and non PvP Direwolf20 pack server for once so that i can actualy have fone with a community without having to worry about my crap getting stolen.
Little About You: Hello my name is John Michael but you can call me Skiptrace. I am 14 and love playing Minecraft, TF2, CS:S, SWTOR, and other games. I love Direwolf20's series and watch all of his episodes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: Purge_Hawk1
Age: 12
Reason to Join: Trying to find a perfect FTB server to reside in and enjoy the scenery the server provides.
Little About You: A 12-year-old gamer, from Canada, who loves playing Minecraft in spare time, specifically Tekkit, FTB as well as with other mods.

Psych Production

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: psychfan54
Reason to Join: Looking for a good community, and good protection. Really trying to find a whitelist server to play and social with people.
Little About You: Well i usually when i get in a game i like to travel far and hopefully find a good spot to build my house and etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: Amr0
Age: 18
Reason to Join: Bored of playing on my own now, looking for an interesting community to hopefully learn new things from.
Little About You: ive played normal Minecraft for a very long time, i have been playing feed the beast for around 1 month, so fairly new to mods, but im looking to learn, i dont grief or steal, im also polite and will be as healpfull as possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: rye1994
Age: 18
Reason to Join: I'm looking for a server with as little lag as is physically possible and since this is a new server I would like to see it rise and really develop, I have only been on 2 other FTB servers, I get somewhat settled on there after a couple of days and the server resets it's map which is a little annoying and would rather redo everything on a different server then on the same one, it's a bit like kicking you're own heels.
Little About You: I'm an English guy who after doing his A Levels was unable to get into Uni to study Vet Science, I used to play the Techinc Pack but because the FTB has support from authors (Technic does have permissions now after all) I started playing when RP2 pr6 came out and have been playing ever since, my mod of expertise been Thaumcraft 3 :D

Jack Lim

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: archiei40
Age: 24
Reason to Join: Started playing Minecraft recently and really enjoyed the game. Tried out FTB on another server but there are rarely people online. Would like to see more people playing so there are more interactions going on, and hopefully have partners in the future for some really fun builds.
Little About You: I worked most of the day so I won't be playing throughout the day. Usually a few hours at night time (Texas, US) after work just to relax and enjoy something where I can be creative and have fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: MatrixVIP
Age: 20
Reason to Join: Looking for a small community where we can hang out and build something together, yeah, and also looking forward for hard mode. Hoping to build together with 1 or 2 partner.
Little About You: I like sand box game where you build things by yourself in any style you want, yeah i am a artist. And building or designing stuff is my deal =) it would be nice if we can chat together with teamspeak or skype, and share our daily life experiences.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: japanda4me
Reason to Join: tired of playing alone, looking for experienced teammates on a server thats not cluttered and crazy
Little About You: been playing minecraft for over a year, watched alot of direwolf20, very respectful,mature, and serious gamer , i live in Arizona, very good at building impressive structures, and decorating, online often


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: Recyrexor
Age: 24
Reason to Join: New adventure, new beginning. I prefer the smaller servers, they make it easier to make friends it seems.
Little About You: I have been playing FTB for a few months now and as far as favorite mods I'd say thaumcraft is on top. Though I want to delve into mystcraft soon. I'd like to also make a carnival/amusement park for the server. With FTB mods I'm sure this park will be far more fun than anything classic minecraft can build.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: darknife25
Age: 18
Reason to Join: I love playing FTB and would like to play on a small white list server with a small community, i enjoy the community feel of a server that cannot be replicated in SSP
Little About You: I have mainly played Tekkit SMP in the past (regularly on a server for about 5 months) , and become very good with the RP2 mod and IC2 i have played around on FTB creative and build a few builds, like an auto wither killer using CC and MFFS, i have played FTB survival as-well for a short amount of time, and stated to learn Thaumcraft and a few other things, i enjoy making large technical builds with RP2 (especially Frames), there are not any mods in the pack that i do not understand to some extent. I am from the UK and currently studying in a college fro my A-level exams. when i get the opportunity i am a sound engineer at my local theatre and hoping to take this further sat some point. i enjoy thinking and making technical ways to do things and automate them in FTB


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: NippleMice
Age: 18
Reason to Join: I think it'd be fun to be part of this community, it would be sweet to play with you guys
Little About You: I know the basics of buildcraft etc., I like playing with communities. IRL I like sports and stuff. I attend college and nobody in my dorm really plays FTB. Looking to chill with some players, build some kickin houses and stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: legolinux
Reason to join: i was raided on the last server for ftb i played on. That's not really the point of ftb is it?
About Me i enjoy tekkit and I,m learning the ftb mods such as forestry/thaumcraft i m also good with multi-mod contraptions


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Game Name: dvdp
Age: 16
Reason to Join: I'd like to join a small server that doesnt have people griefing and being inconsiderate (for example messing up the flux or killing all your cows). Oh and a lag free server with dediacted players would be very nice indeed ;)
Little About You: Ive played mods for almost all the time I've had minecraft (a little over a year) and have watched DW20 for all that time as well. I love the more techy mods such as RP2 and IC2, but have recently being having fun with thaumcraft 3 and xenos relliquilarry (i know thats probably spelt wrong).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: I'm ten, but I'm rather mature. My parents, peers, and teachers all agree I have a raised level of maturity and intelligence.
Reason to join: I got trolled on the last server I was on. It was fully survival, even survival spawn, which is what I hope comes from this one, and I want a group of people who appreciate my form of aesthetics (RP2 and a cube for a house).
Little About You: I've been playing mods only for a while, but I know literally everything about this mudpack- I watch the source of the pack, Direwol20 on Youtube. He's in touch with mod authors, so I have knowledge of the future of DW20 as well. Redpower is epic! And please tell me if/when you whitelist me.