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  1. H

    Does anyone know if it's possible to make the Automap mod work with FTB?

    It's not a server-side mod, it's full client side. Pretty much another of the cheat / trainer mods that got real popular a while back. If you're looking for a map for your server, try DynMap Works fine...
  2. H

    Ore Distribution Graph MC 8.0.1 / DW20 5.0.1

    Well, if you check the Thermal Expansion configs in each, you'll see that DW20 is set to 7 tin clusters of size 8, where Mindcrack is set to 12 tin clusters of size 7.
  3. H

    is there a benefit to turn biomass into biofuel?

    Fuel efficiency doesn't change based on pressure of boiler, only size of boiler. The only thing an HP boiler can do that an LP boiler can't is output more steam in the same unit of time.
  4. H

    Forestry Tree Breeding.

    Hrmm. The logistics of intentionally breeding a trait from one species into another could be... difficult. Or not, I'm not really certain. Might be a simple matter of stripping the species you want to breed a trait into of leaves, one graft at a time, until you find a sapling with the proper mix.
  5. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Anyone know if EBXL Woodlands biome counts as Forest / Forest Hills for the purposes of breeding Heroic bees? I don't want to risk my only Steadfast drone.
  6. H

    Forestry Tree Breeding.

    Is it possible to breed for specific traits as well as changing species? Specifically, I want to produce super-high-yield apple trees. Any thoughts on how I would need to go about this?
  7. H

    Multiple Quartz Crystal IDs?

    Sure can. I have one room with fifteen of them and a wooden golem dumping them in a barrel.
  8. H

    Multiple Quartz Crystal IDs?

    the aluminum torches don't drop the sulfur goo, just the sulfur torches.
  9. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    This is because they both output the same MJ per fuel unit at maximum heat. The only reason to use HP boilers is for maximum output from minimum space and iron investment.
  10. H

    is there a benefit to turn biomass into biofuel?

    Biomass burning in a Biomass engine gets you the same MJ per engine, but requires much larger quantities of biomass to keep fueled and burns lava if you have an auto-shutoff to prevent wasted fuel. Combustion Engines with Biofuel make for a convenient and portable power source. Boilers are more...
  11. H

    Having trouble figuring out FTB? Don't worry, it could be worse

    I might be the exception. I went and made my own private server pack that had more mods than the FTB packs and kept it updated for my friends. On a related note, I'm about one ID conflict away from permanent psychosis.
  12. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    @jumpfight5: Yes! I'm going to make my power the way it's made in real life: long, expensive, inefficient, and with continuous maintenance required! I don't know why I'm so happy about this, but I am. @Omicron: Thanks for the number on heating up your boiler! Going with 47% efficiency from 0c...
  13. H

    Forestry multifarm, y u no worky?

    The layer of stone bricks has to be either on the layer underneath the multi-block or surrounding one of the four layers of farm block. See about halfway down the page for a visual reference.
  14. H

    is there a benefit to turn biomass into biofuel?

    There are other benefits. Portability, for one. It's a lot easier to transport the same MJ worth of biofuel to your quarry than biomass. Once you start talking boilers, biofuel becomes quite a large MJ profit. A maximum-size boiler increases the MJ value of biofuel by about 45%.
  15. H

    Forestry multifarm, y u no worky?

    Maybe it's not certain where to place things because it is touching more than one valid layer of farm blocks (stone brick)?
  16. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Well, I've already done that math. A 36HP boiler requires 15.84 fuel units per tick at maximum heat. A bucket of biofuel provides 32,000 fuel units. It takes about 36 buckets of biofuel an hour to keep a bioler hot. A Still operating at full capacity produces a bucket of biofuel every 85...
  17. H

    New Forestry 2.0 Farm Blocks aare a PITA

    That's your opinion. Cutting down trees is one of the things I hate most in this game. Especially oaks and their g*@#$% @*#$* branches. Any alternative way to do it is good in my book. On top of that, the increased complexity and resource requirements just make it more interesting.
  18. H

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Anyone know exactly how much biofuel it takes to get a 36HP boiler up to maximum temp? I know the math has been done, just can't remember the forum I saw it in, much less the thread.
  19. H

    Diamond Spawn seems really low?

    all of the I:eek: in that spoiler made me lol
  20. H

    Is the pattern for Obsidian from EE3 intended

    Depends on the aspect of flux you cause. Some are beneficial, some light you on fire and blast you with lightning.