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  1. D

    I like my old IC2

    I was going to write this text. Right now i use IC2 cause speed upgrades. But when TE3 machines will be having speed upgrades i will leave this mod for good. Also Tinker's Construct tools can work on TE3 energy. And TE3 added new fancy stuff and IC2 have changed the process line but simply...
  2. D

    Direwolf 20's Season 6 Lets Play

    As of lack of MFR in season 6 and op'ness of tree farms. Look that when you use forestry farm you use vanilla saplings. But when you start mutating trees and when you finally make the best sapling (biggest sapliness and amount of saplings from one tree) MFR tree farm isn't that OP opositte to...
  3. D

    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    Yes sir. Newest version works without problems - 1 mining of 1 block by pickaxe uses 90 RF.
  4. D

    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    I would like to see upgrades for pulverizer and redstone furnace to speed it up - of course more speed upgrade means more energy usage - like in IC2. About energy loss from energy cell - i thought that energy conduits contain RF inside - so more RF is than in energy cell. But i don't like that...
  5. D

    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    In newest Direwolf video someone said that Tinker's Contruct tools can be powered by Thermal Expansion RF energy. What i need to put on on TC tools to get this upgrade ? Anyone knows ?
  6. D

    1.6.4 Liquid Fuel Boiler fuel changes.

    This kind of change sounds like GregTech. They won't change it because it's basic vanilla Minecraft - changing wood log into charcoal. In real world that's how you make charcoal :) Good that they don't nerfed charcoal - solid boiler FTW.
  7. D

    The point of bees?

    In 1.5.2 and earlier version of IC2 you could make almost everything from uu matter. Right now in 1.6.4 making uu costs enormous amount of EU and cost of uu increased - for using it for stuff. Bees can make a lot of stuff - basic ores + copper, tin, all stones - lapis, redstone, glowstone...
  8. D

    1.7 packs?

    Like someone wrote 1.7 add stuff that Biomes O Plenty adds - MESA biome full of colored clay - badlands has it with normal clay also. 2 new trees - forestry adds couple trees, extra trees adds about 70 new trees, natura has own trees. New biomes are in Biomes O Plenty and Extra Biomes. So no new...
  9. D

    Forgecraft 3 Question (not asking to join btw!)

    I saw that lack of mods makes you more creative thinking - like Dire did in today's episode when he used Etho vanilla redstone/ hopper timer - you know that Direwolf uses vanilla technique only when he must :) But vanilla timer looks wicked - but you can simply replace it with one block timer...
  10. D

    MFR Harvesters losing seeds?

    I use for MFR planter AE fuzzy export bus. I leave 2 spots free for the items i want to plant and the rest i fill with dirt/ cobblestone in planter. Also i use level emitter for squeezer for staying in the network 4 stacks of seeds or for fermenter if i use saplings. Simple and very efficient.
  11. D

    Thaumcraft 4 in Unleashed?

    Thaumcraft 4 won't be for earlier version of Minecraft due to change of fluid mechanics in Forge in 1.6. That's the main reason where you should start new world in 1.6.x MC
  12. D

    Minecraft 1.7 pre release - Will be waiting a long time for mods

    Why are you worring about mods for 1.7 when for 1.6.x not all mods are released and some are changing all the time (f.e. IC2) ? But some mods won't be on 1.6.x and other didn't add anything new - only port. Also 200k lines of new code will be a pain in the a.. for modders. Another problem is...
  13. D

    MFR Fruit Picker Help

    I wonder if fruit picker works in 1.6.4 on Forestry trees, especially chestnut - anyone knows ?
  14. D

    Forgecraft 3 Question (not asking to join btw!)

    They added Voxel Map - in second episode of Direwolf's F3 he usues it. I like 10x power usage for AE. Forestry bee breeding in hard is a pain in the a.. to breed Imperial or industrious. Also breeding trees is very though. But real Hard mode would be if they were having GregTech on Hard...
  15. D

    What's your 1.6 modlist?

    1.6.x version of MC runs much faster than 1.5.2. I think that's the cause of new launcher, smoe debugs in vanilla code, maybe changing of fluids in Forge. In 1.5.x i had a lot of memory loss and memory leaks and some crashes. In 1.6.2 i haven't had none - only those when i made my own pack :)...
  16. D

    Bee Breeding Wiki

    I'm using FTB wiki :) Has all mutations (Forestry, Extra Bees, Magic Bees, Ars Magica) - work perfectly in 1.5.2
  17. D

    Question about advanced solars?

    For me Advanced solars are too cheap and totally OP. Compact solars use simply 512 basic solars - 2 circuits, generator, coal dust & 3 glass - so it's not that OP because you need tons of resources - especially in 1.6.2 Advanced solars can't even be built because totally new uu matter system. So...
  18. D

    FTB Mod Updates to 1.7.2!

    It's released for 1.6.2 and 1.6.4.
  19. D

    More efficient/completely safe nuclear reactor setups?

    I started to messing up with nuclear in 1.6.2 experimental IC2 build - all of setups for 1.5.2 work the same (100 EU/t, 300, 420 EU/t). The only difference is that you can get plutonium from depleted uranium cells and make it infinite energy EU source generator (max 16 EU/t for a lot of...
  20. D

    Anybody know a TRUE, cheap replacement for pneumatic tubes?

    Also you can combine it with item tesseracts to transfer items from one system into another. Also is another thing - quantum generator from AE - minus it requires a lot of energy and 2 of them - a lot of crafting.