Question about advanced solars?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why are the 512 eu/t ones so cheap to make compared to the hv solar array...? I am confused, what are the advantages and disadvantages, what one is better.
They're different mods. That explains any differences.

The advanced solars work at reduced power during rain/night, but cannot be made entirely from UU-Matter. The advanced solars have a nicer GUI.
the HV's take an inconceivable amount of resources (I simply can't get my head around someone could just blow well over 15 stacks of copper on that let alone the rest of the stuff), but you can get them theoretically in beginning or middle game IC2. The Advanced solars require end game IC2 infrastructure, but only require only half the inconceivable amount of resources.

I swear, you shouldn't have either unless your screwing around in creative, or you have nothing else to do.

edit: my math was well under.... the laundry list of absurdity...

  • Rubber: 128 Stacks + 9 (8201)
  • Iron: 64 Stacks (4096)
  • Copper: 52 Stacks + 49 (3377)
  • Redstone: 48 Stacks + 10 (3082)
  • Refined Iron: 41 Stacks + 9 (2633)
  • Tin: 32 Stacks (2048)
  • Coal Dust: 32 Stacks (2048)
  • Glass: 24 Stacks (1536)
  • Wooden Planks: 4 Stacks (256)
  • Gold: 6
  • Diamonds: 1
So overall advanced solars are better and cheaper? The Ultimate Hybrid Solar panel is cheap to make and it gives 512 eu/t just as a HV solar would, and produces power at night and in storms... so it's better to make advanced solars correct?
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Ultimate solars are expensive with gregtech. Hv solars aren't bad with AE and multiple quarries. With no gregtech, the uu matter starts coming in fast, you use it to make more solars. After awhile it's not hard to be making an hv solar a day or more.

This is where mfr farms show how obscene they are, using extractors and mfr rubber trees you get so much rubber that even an hv solar per day will not drain your rubber supply..
The advanced solars require UU matter to make. The compact solars do not.

Not to mention that the compact solars are an older mod.
I swear, you shouldn't have either unless your screwing around in creative, or you have nothing else to do.

My UHSP factory has turned out 80+ panels in the past week. :) I'm pretty sure I fall into the "nothing else to do" camp.
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Just made my first ultimate hybrid solar panel, 512 eu/t :) I believe it costs 8 stacks of uu to make one for the iridium part or around that

edit: around 7 stacks of uu for just the enriched sunranium thing part.
I think the advanced solar recipes were created with the idea that uranium would control their proliferation. Only takes some bees to knock that out of whatever balance may have been intended.
Radioactive bees are a pain in the ass to get, I haven't even started bee breeding yet. only mods I have started I believe are ic2 and buildcraft, and well of course tinkers construct+iron chests. I've been getting all my uranium from quarries.
Took me about 3 hours to get the species serum. I had to breed 6-7 species I didn't have already to get them. But yeah, if you don't have bee infrastructure in place you're looking at a bit of a slog.
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With my new advanced solar im setting up a quarry sorting system so I can power my quarries without overflow now :D
I can see you already figured out the Ultimate Hybrids are definately the way to go. Cheaper, produce power at night. My only issue with them is getting the uranium to make more...gotta get working on bees sometime.
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For me Advanced solars are too cheap and totally OP. Compact solars use simply 512 basic solars - 2 circuits, generator, coal dust & 3 glass - so it's not that OP because you need tons of resources - especially in 1.6.2 Advanced solars can't even be built because totally new uu matter system. So with new experimental IC2 Advanced solars won't be that cheap. I'm using compact solars because they are simply more honest ones and not that OP :)

In 1.5.2 when you start producing uu matter from mass fabricator or from greg tech's matter fabricator making ultimate solars is a matter of time - especially when you play on servers gaining tons of uu matter is no problem. Only EU for start for mass/ matter fab is. But for this you have nuclears :)
Honestly, I don't use nuclear reactors until extremely late game. REALLY late game... I can't figure out a good reactor design besides this one, which I like but I have never made it on this large of a scale


Also before people complain about lapis, lets be real here guys, with nether ores you only have to go mining for about a hour for nether lapis and you are good for a while. produces 24 lapis per piece.

Also would be very appreciative if anyone else can design some high output reactors for me.
Honestly, I don't use nuclear reactors until extremely late game. REALLY late game... I can't figure out a good reactor design besides this one, which I like but I have never made it on this large of a scale


Also before people complain about lapis, lets be real here guys, with nether ores you only have to go mining for about a hour for nether lapis and you are good for a while. produces 24 lapis per piece.

Also would be very appreciative if anyone else can design some high output reactors for me.
No offence, but that design is complete turd. Since the LZH condensators receive different amounts of heat/tick, the only way you'll be able to run it is if you can replace them instantly - a delay of just 1 tick will eventually lead to an explosion. This is much better - lower eu/t, but much better efficiency and (more importantly) now you can actually automate it. You need the OC heat vents to dissipate the heat that will invetiably build up in the short amount of time between LZH swaps.

Note that those are iridium neutron reflectors. Regular/thick reflectors are never worth it, and iridium ones almost never. If you don't have GT installed, use this instead.