Anybody know a TRUE, cheap replacement for pneumatic tubes?

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How do you get your initial nether quartz so fast (for the fluix)? 3 -Minecraft days- which is one RL hour of play. It would take that long to set up the portal.
What exactly is your idea of a small AE system? I'm guessing a controller and ME chest with storage and a couple of basic import/export busses (as I assume OP wants to automate, not merely store things).
How do you get it so fast?

I dont play alone too... but you get a good enough spawn you can grab lava and buckets.. It was more of a you're ready to craft it by that day.
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Transfer nodes and pipes (ExtraUtilities) are a fine replacement...and cheap...haven't had to bother with BC pipes at all in the current playthrough (unhinged).
I dont play alone too... but you get a good enough spawn you can grab lava and buckets.. It was more of a you're ready to craft it by that day.

That makes a bit more sense, teamwork usually expedites everything from building a shack to building a fusion reactor. Getting an ME solo however takes a bit more then 3 Minecraft days I'd say 15 at a minimum.
Then again that depends on what the bare minimum is, I thought it was a Controller, drive, and Terminal maybe 3-5 cables and at minimum a basic import and export bus if you wanna automate. But people are saying an ME chest alone can automate. If this is true this makes your 3 day claim a bit more believable.
If you have mystcraft it can be easier/safer to get your early netherquartz that way. All it takes is reeds, water, ink, sand, and leather. Don't worry about finding the right symbol, you'll run into netherquartz in a random world pretty quickly.

This is working under the assumption you're playing somewhere you can make random ages with Mystcraft, of course.

I don't know what the big deal is with making a nether portal though, we're just talking a 4 iron and a piece of gravel. That makes a bucket and striker to light the portal. The bucket pours the lava, then pours water on it to harden it. Remember, you don't have to be able to mine obsidian to make a portal. :P Go in with a cheap pick and a stack of cobble. Immediately tunnel into the netherrack to make a safe position and/or build a cobble hut around the portal.
Most recipes require fluix crystals, which are made with 1 nether quartz, 1 certus quartz, and 1 redstone. Back in the Ultimate pack, however, only certus quartz was needed.

Edit: Ninja'd

Just as an FYI for people, AE added a config option when it added the nether quartz requirement. One can turn off the requirement for nether quartz and it uses the old recipe.
I keep forgetting unleashed doesn't have that steel requirement for the flint n steel.
Gregtech also makes buckets cost 6 iron, depending on how early you wanna get to the nether before you make your bender. Yeah, buckets require plates...

So many packs you can't really figure out what people are playing...
Steel requirement? Fah. Plop a wood block behind it, and a lava block in a hole behind it. That sets the wood on fire and lights the portal.

Of course you can also get lucky with treasure chests, and be in after a few minutes.
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Steel requirement? Fah. Plop a wood block behind it, and a lava block in a hole behind it. That sets the wood on fire and lights the portal.

Of course you can also get lucky with treasure chests, and be in after a few minutes.

Ohh yeah, that's what I do. But whether the wood ignites seems incredibly random. I've had it work within 5 mins but' I've also had it take 2 hours.
AE, does everything you want and nothing you don't. That's the best solution and again while expensive, you can usually get a small ae system going within your second or third (minecraft) night of mining
Also you can combine it with item tesseracts to transfer items from one system into another. Also is another thing - quantum generator from AE - minus it requires a lot of energy and 2 of them - a lot of crafting.
ExtraUtilities pipes are evry cheap and never throw items on the ground.

they cna be upgraded for speed, and they also support moving liquids, power (MJ) and items, all at the same time, thru the same conduit.
I think I'm going to stick with ABO insertion pipes for now.[DOUBLEPOST=1379874929][/DOUBLEPOST]
ExtraUtilities pipes are evry cheap and never throw items on the ground.

they cna be upgraded for speed, and they also support moving liquids, power (MJ) and items, all at the same time, thru the same conduit.

You are the first person I know from Argentina that plays FTB (other than myself, :))
I think I'm going to stick with ABO insertion pipes for now.[DOUBLEPOST=1379874929][/DOUBLEPOST]

You are the first person I know from Argentina that plays FTB (other than myself, :))

MFR also has an option for sorting, altho it will allow items to overflow. the cost is not all that bad either. MFR has a block that will pull items from conveyor belts moving on top of it and into any inventory it is connected to. works with barrels as well iirc. altho it costs 4 iron and a gold per 8 collector blocks, and a piece of iron and 2 redstone per 16 belts.
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Hoppers can also place items onto conveyor belts, as can buildcraft pipes. This can be quite handy. Also MFR item sorters like the item router and item collector aren't limited to working with conveyor belts. They work with pipes too! Also the

conveyor ---->

combination works just like insertion pipes.
How do you get your initial nether quartz so fast (for the fluix)? 3 -Minecraft days- which is one RL hour of play. It would take that long to set up the portal.
What exactly is your idea of a small AE system? I'm guessing a controller and ME chest with storage and a couple of basic import/export busses (as I assume OP wants to automate, not merely store things).
How do you get it so fast?

I can get to the nether before the end of the first mc daylight hours-as long as I don't make easy transportation from surface to lvl 11. It would almost never take me past the end of the first mc nighttime.

You don't need diamond to do it. You need 3 iron, for a bucket. A 4th iron if you want flint and steel instead of doing it with burning planks.

Just gather 3 or 4 trees worth of logs.
Make a wood pick
Dig down
Make stone picks
Dig down to lvl 11 (there is a safe way to dig straight down)

At lvl 11 dig in a straight line until you hit lava.
If you haven't found iron by now, dog out your room for the portal until you do.
Make a bucket and pillar back to the surface and get a bucket of water.
Dig back down and pour a nether gate. (watch DocM and JL zipcode's team UHC to see JL's easy pour method)
Light the portal and head in.
Dog inside the nearest wall and stay under the forgave to avoid mobs.

It is fairly easy.
Kill something for food while gathering wood and you are set.
There was, at one point in recent time, a mod in development called "YATS". (Yet Another Tube System). It was specifically being designed as replacement for the RP2 Pneumatic Tubes and was being designed for MC1.5.2

Not sure what its current status is currently, unfortunately.
Pneumotubes are actually not quite good way to feed machines. Especially many machines. Or from many sources. Too easy to get a zillion of single items bouncing back and forth. Because by the time item get to destination, it is usually full again.
Pneumotubes are actually not quite good way to feed machines. Especially many machines. Or from many sources. Too easy to get a zillion of single items bouncing back and forth. Because by the time item get to destination, it is usually full again.

And it actually caused my lan world to lag terribly. That's why once you go AE you never go back...
And it actually caused my lan world to lag terribly. That's why once you go AE you never go back...

I'd just quickly like to correct this: improperly setup pneumatic tube systems can cause tons of lag, exactly the same as BuildCraft pipes or Logistics Pipes. Setup a Pneumatic system PROPERLY and you'll never see lag.

That being said however.. Applied Energistics and Logistics Pipes really are the nail in the coffin for older systems like Pneumatic Tubes.