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  1. N

    How do i update my server?

    What do you mean with the normal pack? There is no "normal" pack in the launcher (or they are all normal just how you want to think about it)
  2. N

    Problem Launcher/Server Problem.. PLEASE HELP!!

    Could you reupload the console log, it's expired atm :(
  3. N

    Problem Exception Ticking World Entities

    at thaumcraft.common.SaveManager.loadAuras( at thaumcraft.common.EventHandler.worldLoad( You might wanna read this post:
  4. N

    Problem Serverstart.bat wont work

    Did he download the serverfiles through the launcher or the website? Where did he save the server files?
  5. N

    Can't allocate more than 1 gb ram to my server

    Can you post the content of your startupscript (.bat or .sh)
  6. N

    Renaming executables in modpack updates

    I'm not sure why the modpackdevs decided to changed the names (prob to make it more universalname for the hosting companies and the server control packages), but they are aware of the problems what come with it (CaseSensitive OS etc).
  7. N

    Problem Glitchy or Overloaded Chunks on MindCrack v7

    I wonder what those unknown entities are (maybe TC things?) although those few number entities shouldn't bring your machine nor your server to their knees normally This problems are the hardest to debug, since it can be litterly anything. And i wonder if it's the chunk thats causing the problem...
  8. N

    direwolf20 twilight and mystcraft ages crash players

    Are those ppl crashing in the ages where others can enter or do they crash in specific ages?
  9. N

    Problem Mystcraft Age - Unable to find spawn biome

    Not sure if it's still the case in v5, in v4 there was a problem wich gave this error when there was marble in the age (and crashing the client with the gen of it), There is 2 things we can do to test the creating of ages 1) Create a new book and try again (see if the same thing happens) 2)...
  10. N

    Clients Disconnecting occastionally or ...

    hard to say with some full logs (post them not in a replay please but on pastebin), there is something happening before this exception i reckon
  11. N

    Solved Unable to host on my SSD

    Might seem like a stupid question but i had a similar problem when i installed my ssd for games in my gaming rig. What drive letler is bound to the ssd? i had mine on drive B = all tons off errors changed it to D with the diskmanager of windows and no problems at all anymore with using...
  12. N

    Solved forge loader error new version

    what version is selected in the launcher? i have a feeling you have an old one selected
  13. N

    People can't join my FTB Server

    Some firewalls are rather buggy, not sure where this firewall is on your server? on your router? do you have a router at all?
  14. N

    Problem Magicworld v7 - Codechicken/Chickenchunks chunk reset issue

    Known is a big word, there have been some reports on the boards about this combo (hence why i was asking). There is currently no fix for it that i know (not sure if the problem still persists in the new modpacks since i see a new version of ChickenCore)
  15. N

    Possible buildcraft server crash?

    From the modpack topic: Updated Buildcraft A-3.4.1 Updated Buildcraft A-3.4.2 so yups 3.4.2
  16. N

    Problem What does this spammed Error mean?
  17. N

    Pre-load map?

    i have TT and FE installed on my servers without any problems, what erros do you get unium maybe i can assist ;)
  18. N

    Problem Updating Direwolf20

    I want to see some consolelogs, could be 2 things optifine and or twilightforest setting on the client Old version of optifine, get the newest ;)
  19. N

    Multiple issues (including the support site).

    @PeggleFrank, there are new updates of optifine on their website which do work with the new DW20 v5 and Mindcrack V8
  20. N

    Freeze at Project Table and Console Spam

    The problem was not with your project table 2013-01-30 16:56:30 [INFO] [STDOUT] Memory connection overburdened; after processing 2500 packets, we still have 55 to go! 2013-01-30 16:56:31 [INFO] [STDOUT] Memory connection overburdened; after processing 2500 packets, we still have 98 to go...