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  1. R

    Need help tracing a potential bug in FTB Unleashed/Vanilla Minecraft

    The block.hidden is already set to 0 Filling the block in with dirt or water did not help
  2. R

    Need help tracing a potential bug in FTB Unleashed/Vanilla Minecraft

    Hello all, I'm currently doing an lp called 'To the END',in which I attempt to live on a permanent basis in the END. I'm currently experiencing a problem that's either a bug in FTB Ultimate/Vanilla Minecraft or its either intended or unintended behavior. --Intro I'm currently in the second...
  3. R

    Redpower successor?

    Wraith lamps are effective but there place in my build where they wouldn't fit in,I'm building a spacestation in the END. So for the exterior lighting wraith lamps wouldn't work since they have gaps between blocks. Interior lighting I'll prolly use them in the tree farm & villages since I need...
  4. R

    FTBUnleashed. First Impressions.

    This redlogic mod seems interesting for lighting I'm lacking in Unleashed anyone got experience with it
  5. R

    EU production - Recommendations?

    You could always transmute gold or enderpearls into iron if you have EE3
  6. R

    Redpower successor?

    My biggest loss are the lamps,since their bright enough for where I live and prevent mob spawn,the magnus torch of extra utilities does indeed prevent mob spawns in a wide area but it also prevents villagers from breeding
  7. R

    FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

    Well 2 resons actually: 1) I need to prevent endermen spawning in teh tree farm of my powerstation 2)I need a light source to light up an area and look fitting in my buildstyle My home when the first phase was done,currently working on expanding the dome in the centre from 47 to 73 block radius
  8. R

    FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

    I can live with the loss of both gregtech as RP2 since it can be be replaced,however I have not found a light source as strong as the rp2 lamps yet. Also is natura configurable I don't like all those cloud mass's in the END where I spend most of my time
  9. R

    FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

    Is there a mod with a lamp/light blocks that give the same amount of light
  10. R

    2 ideas involving biomes & light

    The light level is a bit lower then that of RP2 lamp but as good as the glowstone lamp,I'll need to refigure out how this will effact my treefarm in the END if I can get my save across
  11. R

    FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

    Indeed only keep in mind the current version of RP does not work with minecraft 1.5.
  12. R

    FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

    In theory there is nothing stopping you from adding redpower,however know that the current version does NOT work with minecraft 1.5 or above (I tried) and the dev hasn't been heard off in a month or 2
  13. R

    FTB Ultimate and other older modpacks.

    I can live with the loss of RP2 since I can adept my power station to work in diffrent ways, my 2 probs atm is the massive amount of clouds in the END and the lack of for a proper replacement for the RP2 lamps, for me the wraith lamp does not fit into my buildings
  14. R

    FTBUnleashed. First Impressions.

    This clashes with my concept of a space complex in the END,also the dragon treats the clouds as full blocks allowing it to travel all across the END
  15. R

    2 ideas involving biomes & light

    So I currently have 2 mod ideas but I don't have the programming skills to make them 1)A biome-sphere mod: not a terrain generator but a way to change the biome of enclosed area to be changed for instance have a jungle dome inside a dessert,inside the dome it says jungle & has jungle conditions...
  16. R

    FTBUnleashed. First Impressions.

    I found them in the one place I don't want them in my home dimension the END