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  1. E

    FAQ and EAQ (Gameplay only!) --Worst Necro on the FTB forum, thanks for the notification spam guys!!

    Gates have condition "Engine safe". It is useful in iron AND gates combined whits pipe wire signal.
  2. E


    Wait, 720mB/tick trough ONE pipe?!
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    (Mindcrack) How do you make hollow slabs etc?

    You have to use RedPower slabs, not vanilla ones. Then put them in Crafting Table in O-shape.
  4. E


    No, they need. If you put one golden WP pipeline right next to other Golden WP pipeline they will interconnect and mess liquid flow. In my first contact with Liquiducts they [Liquiducts] did the same until I realized that I have to fill them with liquid first.
  5. E


    Thanks for the answers. I will try Liquiducts soon.
  6. E

    Idea for Redpower2 circuitboard crafting.

    Hmmm... Is THIS what you want?
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    Hello everyone, It's me again. I've decided that main power source for my base will be RC Steam Boiler(s). But there is the problem. Stone/Cobble waterproof pipes can transfer only 10 miliBuckets of Steam per tick. Golden ones can transfer 40mB/t, but needs one block free space between each...
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    Searching for a block

    It's barrel from Factorization mod. Wooden slab on very top and 7 logs (LOGS, not planks) in U-shape.
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    CHALLENGE: Inter-dimensional/Long Range EU Movement... w/Limitations.

    Chestcarts plus EnergyCrystals/LapatronCrystals/LapatronicEnergyOrbs plus some kind of charging/discharging mechanism should work good enough.
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    QuickTips #1: IC2 Energy - will it blow?

    Cables and transformers can hold infinite number of packets per tick. Transformers only split big packets to 4 smaller and vice versa.
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    Current world after redpower 2?

    How to Re-Generate existing world.
  12. E

    Iron Tanks - Adjacent?

    No, you have to keep a space of one between them.
  13. E

    Question about glass fibre cable and currents

    Every cable can hold unlimited EU per TICK, but limited EU per PACKET. Every tick each MFSU sends packet of 521 EU. Only size of packet matters, not number of them. Cable "don't care" that you send through them one 512 EU packet (512EU/t) or four (2048EU/t) or even 1000 (512000 EU/t) packets at...
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    Ranged Weapons

    Rei's Minimap's menu key is now "Home". IC2's "M" key still not works.
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    Ranged Weapons

    Can SB help me with changing mode od Minig Laser? When I press (and hold) "M" button and then right-click nothing happens (except laser beam piercing my roof).
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    Transporting lava/energy from nether

    Railcraft-Mystcraft system requires: 42x mystcraft Crystals (2x 3by4 portal, 2x book-accepting-thing) 1x Liquid Loader and Unloader 4x Boarding track 8x Vanilla track + chunk loaders + liquid distribution systems + something that pumps lava from Nether and receives it in Overworld. Enderchest...
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    Wow. That was easier than I thought. Thank you very much Rikki21. PS: Can turtles eject items directly to BC pipes?
  18. E


    My Little Turtle now pretty well fills and places buckets [Right chest] or separates sludge [Up chest] and clean metal chunks [Down chest] The problem is that every kind of metal need his own "clean metal chunks template" [In 15th turtle inv slot] Now i have to manually switch "template" for...
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    @Pinkishu: Thanks, I've just lovered water sources. @Rikki21: Thanks! That was almost it! But there is small problem: Dire had galena chunks only. I have all kinds of metal chunks in one mixer. It is posible to rewrite it like "When it is NOT 16 AND NOT 15 then drop"?
  20. E


    Thanks for ultra-fast answers! OK, I've just choosen Turtles and placed one like this: No: 1. What code should I write in turtle to: a. suck empty a bucket from mixer's right inventory b. put bact anything that is NOT a empty bucket b2 [OPTIONAL] put clean metal chunks in slag furnace inventory...